Friday, November 28, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 27
The last couple of months as I have made many commutes to and from Birmingham and Suwanee, I have truly gained an appreciation for HOME. Home truly is where my heart is. And my heart holds my love for my wife and children and all things that make home a sanctuary from this crazy world in which we live. As I make it home on Friday afternoons I find the needed relief and rest from the demands of employment and business and colleagues and the constant need to perform to provide. Home reminds me that there is a reason to the madness. To our children, home is where they feel safe and loved...where they can share their concerns, successes and failures and know that they have support and help with whatever they might be going through. They find their warm beds and a stocked refrigerator and pantry. They find each other and the relationships they will hold close for the rest of their lives and eternity. They find unconditional love as well as expectations of what they must do to reach their divine potentials.

Home is where we may have our greatest successes if we truly understand what is supposed to go on within the walls of our HOME.

Written by Stephen (Dad)


We have the blessed opportunity to eat Thanksgiving dinner at Stephen's brothers home. I say blessed because that means I just have to make my yummy little side dish and appear at Michael and Jeni's home at just the right time to sit down to a wonderful feast. My side dish that I bring every year is my Mother's homemade cranberry sauce. It is absolutely yummy. My kids gobble it up. Easton said last night,"You know what the best part about Thanksgiving dinner was? Cranberry sauce!" That kind of says it all. Read on to find out how to make this tasty treat.Here I am getting ready in my kitchen to create. Use an apron because those little cranberries can make quite a mess.These are the ingredients you will need. 2 bags fresh cranberries, 1 can crushed pineapple (drained), 1 1/2 cups sugar, 6 medium apples (peeled, cored).Crush the cranberries and apples in a meat grinder that looks like this. I had to buy a grinder when I moved to Georgia so I could make this traditional recipe. I have tried food processors in the past and they just don't give it the right texture, it's better smashed rather than chopped. After grinding the apples and cranberries add the drained pineapple and sugar. Stir and chill. The finished product! It is great with turkey. I like to just eat a serving plain. It won't last long and it's good for you!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Every Seat

For dinner last night every seat at our table was filled, no empty chairs. Our daughter, Ashton came home from college to spend the week with us for Thanksgiving--and it was a surprise. She filled our empty seat. What a great feeling to know that our family is complete once again.

Ashton bought herself a plane ticket last June for Thanksgiving. She wanted to surprise us. Well, I caught wind of the surprise over the summer accidentally by seeing her ticket through her email. I was able to keep the surprise along with her for a long time. Her flights into Georgia went well. She had some good friends pick her up at the airport. She arrived home around 12:20 am, Stephen and I were still up watching TV in our room. I turned up the sound really loud so Stephen wouldn't hear her coming up the stairs. She slowly opened our door and poked her head in. "Hello, I'm home," she said very casually, like she has done with us for years. Stephen just looked at her, almost as if it was perfectly normal for her to be checking in with us. A few seconds later it sunk in. "What are you doing here? How did you get here? He looked at me and said, "Did you know about this?" We jumped out of bed and hugged our little girl. It was a very fun moment. A fun giggly feeling was in my tummy.

The boys were asleep and Ashton couldn't wait until morning to see them. She woke up Dallin by sitting on him and smacking him with a pillow--that's sisterly love! He just covered his head and said, "Stop." Landon rolled over, looked with acknowledgement and went back to sleep. I didn't want Easton woken up because he'd be up for hours just bouncing off the walls. She jumped in his bed early the next morning and he looked at her, thinking that it was Landon. Then he did a double-take and asked why she was here. He said, "I'm confused." It took a moment for it to register in his little brain. Finally he said, "Well, Hi Ashton" and gave her a huge hug.

I think I know how my Mom and Dad must have felt when my brothers and I were home for the holidays from college and when my brothers were home from their missions. Together again, spending time laughing about old memories and making new ones. My family is complete. Every seat has someone I love in it.

We are thankful for....

November 26

Heavenly Father created such a wonderful, beautiful earth for us to live on. There is beauty everywhere, if we will just open our eyes and look. Sometimes we just get cruising through life and forget to appreciate the amazing spread of nature before us. Our family is grateful for nature and being able to spend time in it's glory. From Lake Powell to mountains to wooded forests, from the plains of Kansas to the coastlines in Florida, we have been fortunate to see all types of nature. This years' trip to Lake Powell was amazing and the visual beauty was amazing, a new site for children. We love the mountains, enjoying the views to the valleys. Even driving across country is a treat because you can see the land of our nation change before your eyes. It amazes me to be driving in heavily wooded areas and 8 hours down the road you can be on the flat, rolling hills with no trees in sight! Then you slowly climb into the mountain ranges and wind through the canyons with cliffs rising a thousand feet above you. Heavenly Father did create some amazing land formations. Just open your eyes--look around. Easton picked a great spot for a picture on his hike to the top of Mt. Timpanogas in Utah.
Wow! This was one amazing view as we looked down into the valley of Alpine, Utah. Breathtaking!

Our amazing trip to Lake Powell, Utah included amazing sites like the Rainbow Bridge. Nature is amazing sometimes.

You've seen this before, out my back kitchen window. Just another taste of nature.
We love the trees in Georgia because they are everywhere! The falls are beautiful with glorious colors--the springs are just as beautiful as the blossoms appears and then the vibrant green colored leaves burst onto the branches.

We are thankful for....

November 25

We are so grateful for Stephen's "Momma and Daddy" (that's southern for Mom and Dad). My kids call them Momma and Papa (that's southern for Grandma and Grandpa). I am grateful that my husband was raised by loving, caring parents. They taught him the gospel and raised him with values--the same ones he has today. Those values are being taught to my children now. They exemplify honesty, patience, committment, love of family, working hard, love and compassion. They love the gospel. They love the temple. They love the Lord. They love their family. They are good, good people and I am happy to be their daughter-in-law.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Waking Up

I nudged him. I wiggled him. I loved him and tickled him. I tugged at his blankets and rubbed his back. Still, Easton would not wake up this morning. I was trying all my tricks to no avail and then it happened--I turned into my mother! I started singing this song from my childhood. I don't even know where it came from, I just started singing.

It's time to get up.
It's time to get up.
We're all in our places
with bright shining faces.
Oh this is the way(hold that word for really long and make your voice do an obnoxious vibrato)
to start a new day.

So Mom, where did that song come from? Anyone remember it? Am I the only one who has turned into their mother?

Oh, Easton did wake up, with a smile I might add.

Monday, November 24, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 24

We generally have good health in our home and for that we are thankful. Aside from the occasional sickness and owies we do okay. I am grateful to have children who are growing up strong and progressing as they should. I have so much compassion for those who may be suffering with a failing body, compassion for parents who watch their children suffer with a childhood illness, compassion for someone who struggles with mental illness. We've had our struggles with Stephen's back, but we know there are others who have it much worse. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing to help those with failing health. We are grateful to doctors who spend years studying and working so hard to be able to help others--a noble profession!

We are thankful for....

November 23 This is my temple. Every time I see it I always think that. I was sealed to my husband inside this beautiful temple on Dec. 20, 1988 and that's what makes it my temple. I love the blessings the temple gives us. I am grateful for that. I am grateful the be sealed together as a family and to have the knowledge that we can be together forever. The temple is a place of peace, a place like no other in the world. It's a little piece of heaven on earth.

Ashton, Dallin, and Landon have had the opportunity to go to the temple and do baptisms on many occasions. Last week Dallin and Landon were able to do the work for some ancestors that they researched on the new family search website. What an awesome feeling to know that you did the work to help one of your family members progress. It's a great opportunity for the young teenagers to be able to go to a quiet place, away from the world and to be able to feel the spirit and know that they are doing amazing things.


Easton has worked for two weeks on his 2nd grade biography project. He chose to research James Oglethorpe, the founder of Georgia. He had to write a little report, do a timeline of his life, and create a visual aid. He will present his report to the class. We finally finished last night and life is good. There were a few choices for the visual aid and Easton chose to make a doll of his hero. Well, that was quite the project. I know you're looking at his creation thinking that I did all the work. Easton helped with everything--he is very particular, you know. He was very thoughtful as he picked out the right fabric for his body. We created a pattern and he cut it out. I helped sew the body while he guided the fabric through the sewing machine. He stuffed it carefully and then we got to dress him. We dug through the scrap fabric bin and Easton designed a suitable outfit for James. His jacket is fabric from my dining room chairs that I recovered. His pants are leftover from a Christmas stocking Ashton sewed in 10th grade. The gold vest is from my friends curtains that I sewed and the gold trim is leftover from a costume I helped create for someone in Ashton's play last year. The hat was the biggest challenge of all. We used the directions in an old Curious George book--the one where he makes paper boats out of the newspaper boys' newspapers and sends them down the stream. After we made the hat we covered it in fabric. The black boots were created by Easton using a Sharpie on the fabric. And last of all, the sword was created by Stephen and Easton working together out of thin cardboard and foil. The written parts of the report were completed last night. Phew. Easton was in tears all morning while we were getting ready for church because he just didn't think he was going to be able to finish everything by Monday. Wow! He gets himself really worked up and stressed out. I'm glad were are finished. I loved the smile that was on his face this morning as he got on the bus carrying James in a bag. His ear to ear grin showed how proud he was of his accomplishment and life was good.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 22
Dallin--- I am gratetful for my dad because he is the main example in my life of what I need to do to be the best I can be. I love my dad and I always miss him whenever he goes to Alabama. I'm greatful for the hints that he gives me to get through life. He works really hard to provide for our family and sometimes I feel like I take that for granted. He can beat my butt in golf and teach me how to play at the same time! He always supports me in all of my goals and helps me accomplish them too. He is all a father should be to me...

Landon-- Well I'm ver thankful for my wonderfull Dad and I don't really know what I would do without him. He's an inspiration to everyone around him. I'm very proud of him for persuing his new job, trying to make a better life for us. As I go on with life, I realize how much he really does for me. I can't even comprehend what he sacrifices to make things better for me. I'm so thankful that he wants to provide for me and he loves me as much as I love him. I don't know where I'd be without him. I don't know, maybe not on this Earth! Thanks Dad!

We are thankful for....

November 21
The Military of our nation is full of amazing men and women. We are grateful for their strength, courage, and commitment to our country to keep us safe and free. And the sacrifice. They are willing to give their lives for the good of our country. They fight for freedom and do whatever is asked of them. They leave families to go abroad to preserve our freedoms. May they be blessed during this holiday season and peace be with their families.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 20

My past is full of people that I have never met, people who have created a legacy for me. A legacy that I am grateful for. I want to meet these people who I have heard so much about.

Josiah Rogerson and his mother, Mary left England and came across on the plains pushing a handcart to be with the saints in Salt Lake City. I think they were strong and courageous and so full of faith.

August and Emma Lange are my great Grandparents. They emigrated from Germany to start a new life in America with their little family. I think they were incredibly hard-working, humble people. They loved their family and heritage.

Thomas Alma James and his father, Thomas John James. They lived in Wyoming and started a lumber company that became my Grandfather's business. I think they were industrious and smart.

Great Grandma James, Margaret Syme made raisin-filled cookies. I think she was giving and strong.

Duckworth Grimshaw , a funny man who lived in the small town of Beaver, Utah shared his history through his writings. He had a very matter-of-fact attitude about life. I think he was very no-nonsense and practical.

Della Rogerson, my grandmother. I've never met her. She died when my Dad was 14. Her pictures show a kind, gentle face with beautiful eyes. I think she was quiet, but fun and had a peaceful, kind spirit about her. She always had a smile on her face. I'd like to give her a hug and talk with her. I want to hear her sweet voice. Someday I will.

Each person in my past has added to my tapestry of life. And I must go forth creating my own legacy for my children and theirs. It just goes on and on.

We are thankful for....

November 19 We thank thee Oh God for a prophet..........We love our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. We are grateful to have a prophet on the earth to guide us and lead us. It's wonderful to know that Heavenly Father has given us a prophet for our times, just as the prophet in the Old Testament. We are blessed to feel of his love and to hear of his teachings. By listening and heeding to his counsel we can improve our lives and become better followers of Christ. I do miss President Hinckley. I just loved him. I have grown to love President Monson. I feel the spirit when listening to him. I know he is our prophet.

We are thankful for....

November 18

Freedom....I really love the sound of that word. Freedom....there's just so much meaning in that one little word. It means that I can say what I want, think what I want, worship how I want, live my life how I choose to live it. Granted, there are rules, laws, guidelines, commandments that we all must follow to live in a peaceful society. I get to vote. I get to choose my profession, where I live, and I can choose how to raise my family. I do love my freedom and the great USA of which I have the privilege to be a citizen. Enough said. Freedom.

Monday, November 17, 2008

6 Pack

A towel-covered Easton was looking in the mirror at himself after his shower. He said he was looking for his 6 pack. When asked if he found it he replied in a very matter of fact way, "It's a 4 pack."

We are thankful for....

A few weeks ago I was sitting in Landon's honor chorus enjoying the melodies and harmonies of middle school choirs. Bzzzzz bzzzz cell phone was buzzing. Ashton was texting me with questions about Dallin's cross country race outcome earlier in the morning. Bzzzz bzzzzz phone buzzed again. It was Dallin texting me with questions about where I was sitting in the theatre. He was late and looking for us. Bzzzz bzzzz phone buzzed again! This time it was Landon who was using a friend's phone to text me. He doesn't have his own yet. He too wanted to know where we were sitting so he could find us after he performed. All of this buzzing from three of my children took place within about 5 minutes. What would we do without cell phones and the ability to communicate with each other? We are so connected. Sometimes too connected but we are grateful for communication. Grateful to talk to family and friends whenever we want. In college I remember the dreaded phone conversation with family. It was always such an urgent thing--"This is costing money. We need to hang up. Dad's giving me the look. Well, we better go. You know a stamp is cheaper than a phone call." Always a rush. Guilty feelings when I would call for no reason. Things have certainly changed. Ashton calls constantly--we love it and are thrilled that we can communicate as often as we do. I love the sense of security I feel when I have my phone with me. I'm connected to my family wherever I go and I like that. I feel comfortable leaving my children home because I know they can reach me. Easton always calls at least once when Stephen and I are on a date. He calls Stephen whenever he wants during the day. What a great thing for a child to be able to have his needs and questions immediately taken care of and to feel a connection with a Mom and Dad who love him.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by my friend, Jill. The instructions were to go to your fourth file of pictures and load the fourth photo. I was surprised to come up with July 4th, 2008 when we were at Grandma and Grandpa's in Utah. I've been taking digital since last November but my computer crashed and had to be cleaned. I have not downloaded old photos from last year year. So you get July. This photo is of four cousins on my side of the family. Dallin and Landon and their cute girl cousins, Madeleine and Tessa. We don't see these cousins as often as we would like but when we do get together it's a fun, giggly time. The cousins are watching the North Salt Lake fireworks at the Eagle Wood golf course after having a fabulous dinner at Grandma's with all the family. This was a fun trip down memory lane. I tag all family and friends out there! What's the fourth picture in your fourth file? Huh?

We are thankful for....

November 16
We are very grateful to have the Book of Mormon in our lives. We have read it and know of its truth. The stories of the people in ancient America are fascinating. Having another testament of our Saviour is such a blessing. We have read it as a family and it really does change the spirit in our home when we are reading it. If you haven't read it yet we would encourage you to read it. It will change your life.

We are thankful for....

Modern day appliances are the greatest inventions and I am soooo grateful for them. I love my washer and dryer. I have heard my mom talking about wash day when they were work together with the sisters doing laundry all day long. They would use the wringer and other contraptions. Ugh! I love my dishwasher. Putting a whole days worth of dishes in the washer and then pushing a button and walking away is so cool. Now someone just needs to invent and way to rinse your dishes and clear the table for you. I love my microwave and oven and stove. Oh yea! What would we do without those? Imagine cooking over a fire and trying to regulate your oven with coals and logs. That's a hassle. The microwave cuts down on cooking time and sure makes heating up those leftover a wonderful experience! What about the refrigerator. Life would be rough without that. I'd have to go the store everyday for fresh stuff--hey, I feel like I do that now. I really love my Kitchen Aid. I lived for many years without that and survived but now that I have one--I just love it. Making cookies and bread dough is so much easier with the Kitchen Aid. How about the garbage disposal--now that's a cool little invention. All of these nifty little things definitely make my life easier and help me save time. That gives me more time to read my scriptures, spend quality time with my family, do service for others, write letters, update my journal, help the neighbor, etc...........

We are thankful for....

November 14

We are thankful for.... A mom who knows how to cook! When we go to other people's homes to eat their disgusting food I feel like I'm about to puke sometimes. Well, when we're at home, we don't have to worry about that beacause our mom knows how to cook. ITs always fun to have a mom who knows how to cook, especially on the holidays! We dont even have a favorite dish because they are all so good! we hardly ever want to eat out unless it's applebes or something. "When i am trying to eat something healthy for running or something, I dont even have to ask my mom to make anything specific! It's all healthy!" -Dallin and Landon

Friday, November 14, 2008


My friend Amy and I do a dinner swap with each other on Mondays and Thursday. I make and bring dinner to her family on Mondays and she makes and brings dinner to my family on Thursdays. Last night she brought us an Asian meal with yummy chicken, noodles, rice, green beans and fortune cookies. We had a blast cracking open the cookies and finding out what our fortunes would be.

Mom: You will inherit a large sum of money. Now that's downright exciting. I'll let you know when that happens and of course, I shall share with you all.

Easton: There's a good chance of a romantic encounter soon. Easton said, "What?!"
Landon: There are 365 days in a year. May all 365 of your dreams come true.Dallin: A friend will bring you a big surprise soon. Well, we're waiting....what's the surprise?

May you all have good fortunes coming your way today!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 13
Over here in the Carroll home our blood runs BLUE!!!!! We are very thankful for BYU--for a lot of reasons. My parents met at BYU and both graduated from there. Stephen's Dad went to BYU. Stephen and I met at BYU and we both graduated from there. I received my Elementary Education degree and Stephen received a Bachelors degree in Spanish and an MBA. Over the years our children have grown to love Brigham Young University. They love to wear their BYU baseball caps and cool sweatshirts. I love my BYU key chain and my growing collection of sweatshirts. Blue is my color you know! We love watching football and other sports. The BYU tv channel is watched often at our home especially on Sundays because it brings us the MoTab and the Spoken word. And.....our adorable daughter, Ashton is currently a student at BYU. We couldn't be happier for her. She's doing great and learning much, academically and those wonderful life lessons. Her blood is turning blue even though she still has a Georgia (UGA) in her. Who knows...maybe she'll meet her husband at BYU just like her Mommy and Grandma! (Not until you graduate first, Ashton!)


When it's Fall time the weathered leaves
fall from branches off the trees.
Whirly, twirly, whirly, twirly in the air,
whirly, twirly, whirly, twirly everywhere!

Hey family--remember that song? It always comes to mind when we are crunching through newly fallen leaves. Yesterday Easton and I had our fall moment. He loves making piles of leaves and then rolling, jumping, tumbling and throwing! Before the huge pile was destroyed by the beastly lawn mower we played. Oh what fun! We laughed and giggled the whole time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This is what Landon bought last week with his money that he has been saving--a ripstick. It's like a very fancy skateboard the twists in the middle. The wheels are like casters that move. It's a crazy contraption and takes a lot of practice to get the hang of. I did it a little today and it's hard. Landon and Dallin are both awesome on it. Tons of fun!

We are thankful for....

November 12

Education is essential for life. It doesn't just mean going to school and doing worksheets and stuff. It's learning anything. Obtaining knowledge from the world. Without it,, we cannot function through life and we wouldn't know how to do anything. We are thankful for this ability to learn and add knowledge to our brains' huge library of information.

Just to add some knowledge to your brain this evening, I will list some interesting facts from my brain that I have acquired over the years:

1. The tallest man ever was 8 ft. 11 inches. That's almost double my height.
2. Tootsie Rolls were first manufactured in 1896.
3.Your foot and ankle together have 26 bones.
4. Mistletoe and poinsettia plants are both poisonous to the mouth.
5. In Tennessee, it's illegal to play pinball under the age of 18.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 11

This is a big one and nobody wanted to post it so I have to. We are thankful for the gospel. Of course that's a big one. It is our life. It is our foundation for living. It encompasses every aspect of our home. It is who we are. Landon and I discussed this morning how our lives would be different without the gospel. He said our family wouldn't be the same. We wondered if we would let the missionaries into our home now if we didn't have a knowledge of the gospel. I don't know. I said I am probably too safety conscious to let them in. Landon said I wouldn't be as concerned about safety if I didn't have the gospel. All thought provoking ideas. Anyway, we love the gospel and the good news that it gives us. Thank you, thank you, thank you for that blessing in our lives.


It was a good morning. As I unwrapped Easton from the tangle of sheets and blankets to wake him my thoughts turned to my brother, Brad, the ultimate sleeper as a child. Come to think of it, he still is. His head wrapped turban-like with his yellow quilt that was stitched with love by Grandma James. Buried under blankets--no head showing at all. I wondered how he could breathe and be alive under all the layers. Nice little memory.

Happiness was on display for me all morning....Easton actually got out of bed with a smile and energy. Not sure why, but I liked it. He got dressed quickly, wore an old favorite shirt of Landon's that he finally fits into. He thought it was too big, I convinced him that he had grown and my how he's grown! The chilly air encouraged a warm breakfast, scrambled eggs, and butter toast from last nights' leftover french bread. Juice. Looking out the window Easton was in awe of the beautiful sunrise that could be seen over the horizon. Impressed with the purple, blue and yellow stripes the rising sun created, Easton demanded pictures. Hurry! Take pictures. There were descriptions of eye-catching colors and discussion of being up early and being able to appreciate a beautiful moment while others are just looking at the insides of their eyelids. The clock stood still. Teeth were brushed with care and rooster tails strategically smoothed. Shoes on and we were waiting for the bus. Why do we have extra time today? Well, let's read a library book while we use up the last five minutes. A walk down to the end of the driveway, crunching leaves and noticing the missing impatiens in the garden that were pulled out. Easton will miss popping the seed pods and watching the seeds shoot out. There's always next year. The bus comes. A look out the bus window, a wave, a smile, AND I get a kiss blown to me! A good morning, indeed.

Monday, November 10, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 10

Webcams, emails, blogs.....we are thankful for the internet. Such a fabulous invention has really changed our lives. It connects us with family all over the nation. We love reading everybody's blogs and getting emails from family. We love our new webcam where we can talk to Ashton and see her on the computer at the same time. If you get a webcam we can do that with you too! It's just cool. The internet is a great learning tool in our home. We are always checking the internet to find out something. It's great for Christmas shopping too. We are updated on news events. Dallin just got some names ready for doing baptisms at the temple on the new church website. I'm shopping for houses in Birmingham on the internet. The use of the internet is almost endless and we appreciate how it has changed our lives.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 9

We are thankful for running. I am thankful for running because it gives me something to do after school in stead of getting out of school at 2:30 and having nothing to do. I have also made a lot of new friends that I have had a ton of good times with! Cross country is just a bunch of stupid guys cracking jokes while they are running. It's that simple and fun. My team qualified for the state meet recently and they ran in the state meet yesturday. It was pretty exciting and nerve-racking to see seven of my friends compete against 25 other teams from around the state. I just kind of wished I could have raced but I'm #8 on the team and only the top 7 get to run in the state meet. We ended up getting 13th over all so I guess we didn't do too bad. I am thankful for running because it is fun and it relieves stress!

Written by Dallin

Saturday, November 8, 2008


We had the privelage of attending Landon's honor chorus performance last Saturday in Athens, Georgia. It was a fabulous event that Landon participated in--he missed school Friday and headed up to Athens with other middle school children in the state to work on songs with an awesome choir director. They spent the night and then practiced some more on Saturday. We enjoyed hearing the beautiful sounds the choir made. These young kids do such a good job and I'm proud to see so many young people participating in the arts. Oh and who forgot their black shoes for the performance? mmmmmm......

We are thankful for....

November 8

We are thankful for Friends. Friends are people you can trust and tell things to that you wouldn't tell other poeple. We have many friends and are very greatful to them. We enjoy spending time with them and can talk to them about almost anything! Our next door neighbors are some of our best friends. They moved here about a year after we did. One day, Landon was getting off the bus and their mom introduced herself and told us about their family. She seemed very nice so he became friends with them. Now, the boys play with them almost every day on the swings, football, soccer, wars, and much, much more! Tell us about some of your friends and at this time, remember what it was like when you didn't know them.

written by Landon

Friday, November 7, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 7

We are thankful for two things today--my Mom and Dad and my children's Grandma and Grandpa. What a blessing these two wonderful people are in our lives. Of course, without my parents I would not be here. I am grateful that I had two incredible parents who taught me right from wrong and raised me to be the wonderful lady that I am now! They were loving parents who provided for my needs. They taught me the gospel and shared with me the importance of living it. They have always set an amazing example of dedication and committment to the Lord. I admire their testimonies and faith. They make quite the team--I'm not even sure how they ended up together. A crazy Californian and an ultra-conservative girl from landlocked Wyoming found each other. Thanks for falling in love and creating such a beautiful family.

My children are grateful for their Grandparents who love them. Each of my children think they are the favorite grandchild. I appreciate my parents for making each one of my children feel loved, important, and special. It's such a treat to spend time with them and my kids value that time together. We are truly blessed to have my parents in our lives.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 6

Well, I know we've posted about the rats several times, but now is the time to truly be thankful for them. We've had them for almost a year and we just love them to death! I mean, what's not to like about them? They're just cute little furry animals that interact with you and are smart enough to follow you when you snap. Landon taught Spunky how to follow him. He snaps and she goes where he goes. It's quite amazing. Recently, we have had a new addition to the rat family. After we had to take Easton's rat to "the vet" we got a "replacement" rat. She is just the cutest little thing. She really does look like an oreo. She's only a baby, but she is growing up fast. We love her. Well, at this thanksgiving time, think about your pets and how you would be if you didn't have them. What kind of pets do you have?This is Easton's old rat, Rascal who had to go to the vet. She is still living with the vet.

Easton is holding Landon's rat, Spunky.This is baby Oreo, Easton's new rat. She is very cautious, but cute. She likes to hang on the roof of her cage like a monkey.

Written by Landon

We are thankful for....

November 5 Dallin picked music as something that we are thankful for. I couldn't agree more. It seems to me that as my children get older their appreciation for music continues to grow. Music has always been an important part of our home. My children's love of music stems from Stephen's and my love of music. The children have been raised listening to all types of music--pop, classical, and MoTab are just some of the musical sounds that enrich our listening. I believe that exposing our children to all forms of music has helped them appreciate it. My kids are content listening to the Tabernacle Choir or the "cool" sounds of modern rock. When they hear the choir on the tv it seems to draw them into our room to watch. They have an appreciation of good choirs. Because all of the children have participated in choral groups in school they have an understanding of what it takes to create beautiful music. They enjoy being able to use their voices to create beautiful sounds.

I'm grateful that my parents provided me with the opportunity to take piano lessons. This has touched my life in so many ways. All of my children are currently taking lessons or have had them. I hope they will appreciate the musical talents they have developed and will continue to use them.

Music is powerful. It can inspire us and bring about emotions. I have many memories attached to different songs. I loved singing Grandpa James' camp songs when we were traveling as a family in the car. I sing them with my children now. Remember...."When Sammy put the Paper on the wall...he spilled a pot of paste upon us all. (what's a sawl? is what Craig said as a little boy when we sang that song.) My kids remember the feelings they had when listening and dancing to Grandma's CD, Cuban Fire. We love jamming out to the Motab's song, Elijah Rock! The kids have all sang various versions of that in their choirs. Dallin and Landon have a cleaning song that is played on Landon's keyboard when they are cleaning their room. They heard that song on a commercial the other day and I head them say, "It's the cleaning song!" I remember listening to Dad sing in his quartet when we lived in Washington. I thought he was so cool. He Ain't Heavy and The Candy Man were my favorite songs. Stephen's Mother and Aunts have beautiful voices and have been singing and performing since they were young. My children have a wonderful legacy of music that has come from both sides of our families.

As we head into the holiday season and start listening to the sounds of Christmas we are grateful for all types of music that enriches our lives and causes us to feel. Music touches our emotions in ways that words cannot. We look forward to feeling the spirit of Christmas through our music.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 4
Legos are the greatest toy ever! They make having fun easier and always give you something to do. After years of playing with them, we have discoverd that they are very simple. Anyone could have made them with a little time and money. Well, we are very thankful for them beacause they always give us something to do. If you're bored, pull out the giant lego bucket. It's simple. How many of you are thankful for legos? I bet everyone is like "Heck yeah!" Well, thank you to the creators of legos. We love them!

Written by Easton and Landon