Saturday, June 21, 2008

Old School Nintendo

This is mainly for Janelle and Bren and maybe some of the cousins. For Christmas, I asked for an NES. I did get one and it didn't cost as much as you think. We play it all the time. It is so much fun. I have Super Mario Bros. 1,2,and,3. I am very good at them. On #1, I have gotten to world 8-2. It is so hard. On #2 I have have gotten to world 1-3. On #3, I have gotten to world 3. We love it so much. It is very portible, so I'll bring it to Utah this summer and we can all play it. See ya on June 31st. Bye!


  1. Landon, look at your calendar, there's no June 31st! p.s. I can so smoke you at mario 1 and 3... I never played #2. I used to be able to get to 8-4 without even dying... oh yeah,, I was that good! Bren and I played #3 all the way through once. It took hours! Can't wait to play it late at night with you and the boys!

  2. I certainly hope this isn't that one that goes beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, etc.

  3. That is so cool. I loved those games. They were the best!!!

  4. I remember I was once good at those games. I would most likely die the for few minutes. Now my boys would do a lot better than me.
