Monday, February 2, 2009

Life Lessons-Part II

There are so many lessons and "ah-ha" moments in life. Thought I'd share a few more lessons that I have experienced lately.

1. It's hard to get rid of your baby's clothes. Lately I have been scouring closets, drawers, and the basement for all unwanted and unused clothes that my children have worn during their short little lives. I used to find great joy and satisfaction putting Dallin and Landon's clothes that they had grown out of into a box to save for Easton to wear when big enough. It wasn't difficult to save the clothes. The difficulty now comes when the youngest child grows out of something. I hold the used items tenderly and stare at them--looking in the past for the memories attached with those gently used pieces of clothing. An old jacket played in, toe-scuffed Sunday shoes, tattered jeans that ran outside, cuddly Christmas jammies, a favorite cozy sweater. I hug them tight. I want to hang onto those pieces of clothing and never let them go. I want to put them in a box where I can save those memories and save the bits of childhood from my children that are disappearing more quickly than I want. It's been hard to let go of the tangible things from their lives. But I will now value my boxes of pictures even more--the memories will always be there and now, so will my clean closets!This is Easton's FAVORITE sweater right now--if it's clean he's wearing it. I can see Dallin in this also--he used his money to buy it from Old Navy. It was one of his favorites too!

2. Boys always leave random utensils in containers of food. I know this sounds a little strange but when you have boys around you will discover the truth of this little tidbit. I cannot count how many times I have opened a container of sugar, chocolate milk powder, peanut butter, or leftovers in the fridge and found a spoon or fork just sitting there. Just this morning I was sneaking a bite of leftover chocolate cake from Sunday dinner. I peeled off the shiny foil to reveal a large serving spoon! What's up with that?!? Surprise. Oh, and big boys do it too.

3. College is really expensive! Blessed be my Dad for helping me get through college financially. I had no idea how much college cost until I sent my daughter off to that place two thousand miles away. And it costs way more than just room and board, tuition and books. I knew it cost a little because I helped defray the costs with my 20 hour a week job. Thank goodness for that. But, seriously--it's shockingly expensive.

4. The rule is that you don't wash your Sunday glasses until Tuesday. I was wiping down the kitchen counters this morning getting things all spiffied up for all the house hunters that will be coming today (I wish) and noticed yesterday's goblets sitting there in a nice little neat row waiting to be washed. The entire kitchen was clean except for the glasses. It's so silly but they never seem to get their much needed hand washing until Tuesday. Why can't I do them on Sunday or Monday? How hard is it to actually get the soap out, fill the sink with water, run a clothe over them and set them to dry--or even dry them yourself and put them away. Maybe I'll try that next week. Right now I kind of enjoy knowing that I have something to look forward to on Tuesday.

5. You are not going to go to jail if you cut the tag off an appliance. Why do I always feel so guilty about cutting the government tag off an electrical cord? I stare at the one on my hair dryer every time I use it. I can almost repeat what it says from memory--"Do not remove this tag, under penalty of law". What does that even mean? Are the electrical cord tag police going to come knocking on my front door and arrest me if I take the scissors to it and remove it? Last week I cut the tag off my Kitchen Aid. Nobody arrested me. I felt empowered.

6. I shut the door when using the bathroom when I am home alone. Okay, I know this one's a little strange. I realized this morning that I do that. Do you do the same thing?


  1. Great thoughts Sheila, 1-I always have those few favorites that are hard to give away, but you know someone will love them as much as you did. 2-My boys leave everything in wierd places, it is just hard wired into them. 3-I can't imagine college, and it is only 4 years away. 4-There are always those few dishes that take longer than the rest to finish, but like you said it gives you something for Tuesday.5-Craig cuts the tags off of everything, they annoy him. 6-I had not ever really thought about the bathroom door while home alone. It is usually closed, I guess habit.

  2. Those are some great life lessons. I have a feeling that I am going to have a hard time with the Kids clothing too.

  3. First, there is a reason for the spoons. You take a bite and then you think, maybe I'll have another bite later. Why get a new spoon every time?

    The tags--the law says that they can't be removed by the vendor--only by the customer. Start clipping folks!

  4. Well, don't you have reason to do #6 with your recent "unexpected visitor" trying to enter your home? I would do the same thing with a lockbox on my house!

  5. I can't believe I have not left you a little message yet. I will think it's crazy to not have anyone using the girl's clothes next year. When I was pregnant with Kamryn I just put all of Kaitlyn's outgrown clothes in the dresser because Kamryn was just coming right up behind her,,, but now I don't know when the next time will be,,, or if I will even have a girl next... That's a weird thought huh? Bren doesn't leave spoons in things, but he does sometimes forget to close a bag of cookies, or a tupperware of treats, therefore causing them to dry out. Drives me nuts! I never shut my bathroom door... because I have two kids that wander around and follow me and go ballistic if I try to close it. plus they like to say 'bye bye' pee pee...I can't imagine the cost of college in 16 years for my girls. yikes! p.s. those treats look tasty!

  6. Lessons of life..... well, I do close the bathroom door. It just seems like the thing to do.
