Friday, January 8, 2010

Just half a Marathon

Going back in time again.....Thanksgiving morning Dallin was up bright and early (Mom too) to head out the door at 5:30 am to run a half marathon in downtown Atlanta with a couple of boys from the ward. AN ADVENTURE! We drove to the downtown Marta station, the transit system in Atlanta and boarded the train that would take us to the starting point of the race. It was a very cold morning, below freezing and dark!
Dallin is waiting with the pack at the beginning of the race. It's so cold in the morning so the racers dress in layers. When the race began clothes started flying everywhere. Racers just dump them on the side of the road when they warm up and continue to peel off the layers throughout the race. Some charity organizations come by with huge garbage bags and collect them.

My friend, Anne and me. It's so cold but we were cool moms that morning!
The boys at the end of the race. They all made it and had fabulous times. Dallin ran 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 36 minutes. He said he had more at the end of the race and could have won it faster. It's the first time doing this and he'll smash his time next year! The high school cross country coach's wife ran it and took first place for the ladies. She's trying out for Olympics this year.
The coldness was ridicules! Dallin didn't have a jacket to wear at the end because it was in the car. I sacrificed my fleece jacket so he could get a little warmth! We'll know better how to dress next year and the logistics of getting from the start of the race and how to handle the end.
Peachtree Roadrace....see you next year!!!!!!!


  1. What a great adventure. Now, really was it that cold in
    Atlanta. You should be back here in the West. When we were coming home from Denver it was 0 degrees and the wind was blowing. I wish we did not have to stop every two hours ...but what can you do?

  2. Wow, that is a way impressive time Dallin, I mean really,,, really impressive, You are the family runner for sure. I can't wait to see your growth as you become stronger and older and wiser in your sport! Rock it this spring in HS...

    Sheila looks like a cute patooty as usual...
