A milestone in the life of Landon was reached on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 10:30 PM Eastern time. He opened his mission call and found out the good news! He will be serving in the North Carolina Raleigh Mission and will be speaking SPANISH!!!!! Wow!!! We are so excited for him and the great opportunities that await him. He will report to the Mexico MTC on March 26, 2014.
He opened his mission call in Idaho (BYU Idaho) among his friends and we were able to Skype with him as well as Grandma and Grandpa and Janelle and Bren. Ashton and Brandon kind of missed it because we didn't know they hadn't hooked up yet when Landon started opening it. It was fun to see Landon so happy. I guess after preparing for this for 19 years, it's just awesome to know where you are going. He will be 380 miles from our home. It seems kind of close, but even though I could drive there in 5 hours and literally hand-deliver a package to him it will still feel like he is thousands of miles away because we won't see him for two years. We are so proud of our "Little Landon" who isn't so little anymore and his decision to serve the Lord for two years. The people of North Carolina will be blessed to have Elder Landon Carroll in their service.
Check out this video of Landon opening his call:
what an awesome moment