Monday, June 8, 2015

Just a Little Yardwork

One of my little projects this summer in the yard is pretty much completed.  I added the small little creek to the right of our big creek because there is an underground spring that leaves the grassy area wet, mushy and really slimy.  It never dries out and has really become and ugly mess.  So, I fixed it.  I spent one morning hauling rocks out of our creek and arranging them in a natural way to form an extension of our creek.  I ordered pine straw and finished the edges, making it look like a natural water way.  It looks so much better and I'm glad it's done.  We had some landscapers look at it last year and they wanted to dig a trench underground and install a pipe that would run to the creek for the water.  It's was going to be super expensive and I'm sorry, but those things never work in Georgia.  They always get clogged with leaves, sticks, and pine cones and then the water just goes wherever it wants.  I guess I showed those landscapers!

And....I got my flowers planted in all of the beds.  Last year I didn't get around to planting flowers because I spent all my time, energy, and money on my vegetable garden project.  Yay for flowers!  I took lots of pictures because I like to compare the flower beds at the beginning of the season with the flowers at the end of summer.  It's fun to be able to see how much they fill in and bring on there beautiful color.
I split some of my ginormous hostas and transplanted them under this tree in the backyard and moved this pot in place.  I still need to fill it with an arrangement.
Bring on the color!

I did get bit by an ant on one of my work days on the knee four times.  I have been very careful about wearing the right clothing to work in to prevent being bit but I think it went right through my pants.  I knew it was an ant bite because I remember that feeling so well from the last time and my knee just really started hurting.  I zoomed in the house and quickly took my liquid Benadryl pill and also rubbed some Bendryl gel on the actual bites and was able to prevent an awful allergic reaction like I had the last time I got bit.  No hives or tingling lips....phew!  My knee was super sore and itchy for four days but I have survived another ant bite....hate those little black things!

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