Thursday, August 27, 2009

Under the Radar

The afternoon high school bus stopped in front of the house. No Landon. The bus drove off. Mmmmm... Where was he? Did he miss it? I quickly texted him and discovered that he had stayed after school to try out for "The Originals". This is the really cool, all guy choral group that sings with really awesome harmonies. They perform at various chorus concerts and always get standing O's. Well, who knew? Landon is always the quiet one that just goes on doing things without much fanfare. What an exciting decision and bold move. So, he MADE IT! We're thrilled with his courage and desire to do new things and look forward to hearing the sounds of the Originals this year.


  1. Seriously so cool!You'll have to put more videos up this year on the blog. Is Dallin still doing it too? The Carroll's and their singing... just great!

  2. Way to go Landon!!!!! That takes some courage to try out. Is this the same group Dallin was in last year?

    We can't wait to hear some singing clips.

  3. Landon, we are soooo excited that you tried out and made it!!!! Sounds like it will be soo much fun to sing Harmony. Grandpa used to be in a 4 man group plus one girl. when he was in High School and then sang in a group of 4 when we lived in Washington. They were great.

  4. What a talented family you have. That is great that Landon JUST DID IT! I would have been nervous though when he did not get off the bus.
