Monday, May 27, 2013

In the House

With Charlie's leash attached, I took him out the back door to "do his business".  I took a nice little walk down the driveway to the mailbox and while I was down there I noticed some overgrown branches that needed some cutting down so that I could see cars coming when I was trying to get out of the driveway.  I decided to take care of the problem right then and there so I walked up to the garage with Charlie, got my big Daddy clippers and got to work.  I cut down so many branches and undergrowth.  I really got after it and just kept going and going all the way up my driveway and around to the back of the house and down the side of the house by the basement door.  Charlie stayed with me on his leash and kept me company.  When I walked to the back yard I noticed that I had left the back door open, it happens a lot when Charlie is taken out.  I didn't think anything of it and just right on working.  When I was done chopping down tree branches, I walked toward the garage to put the clippers away and Charlie went ballistic!  He was barking and growling at the back door and yanking on his leash.  I thought that he probably just wanted to go inside and didn't really think anything of it.  He kept barking ferociously, as ferocious as a little 14 pound Morkie can get and really was tugging to get in the house.  I walked up the back steps with him and then I noticed a flash of movement in the house.  Immediately I thought that maybe a squirrel or bird had gotten in house.  Then WE both saw it...A CAT!!!  The stray, patchy black cat that hunts around our yard was in my kitchen.  He bolted through the downstairs, around the living room and back into the kitchen from the dining room.  He looked as panicked as I felt. Charlie was still going bonkers and the cat was now standing frozen in the kitchen by the refrigerator.  I yanked on Charlie and pulled him back toward the family room.  The cat saw it's chance, bolted toward the back door and headed out to freedom.  It was an intense moment for all of us!  Charlie was so upset for a long time, wandering and sniffing all over the kitchen.  How dare that cat come into his territory and threaten his families' safety!

1 comment:

  1. oh that story was gripping,, I thought a man, or a deer, or something. Glad it was just a dumb cat. Good old Charlie!
