Monday, June 3, 2013

Crazy Moments

I love this series of photos with my spunky nieces, Kaitlyn and Kamryn taken while they were visiting for Ashton's wedding.  We were having a little down time and enjoyed some dancing, a little limbo, and making cookies.  It's always a good time when those two little girls are around!

 How does Kamryn do that?
This was too fun....and I'll have you know that my back was sore the next day from doing the limbo.  What the heck?!?

1 comment:

  1. This makes me laugh! Because, the girls and I were doing it here awhile back, and I totally jacked my back up,, and I didn't even bend that far back. I am learning that I just can't get off the couch and doing a cart wheel anymore... must warm the body up first! yikes.
