Thursday, May 29, 2008


A tradition was started a few years back of going to IHOP the morning after school gets out. We get up just like a normal school day, get ready, and head off to IHOP for a grand breakfast. This year we were also celebrating Ashton's graduation as a family. Easton loves ordering the Happy Face pancake breakfast. Stephen and Dallin ordered some grand feast with a cream cheese stuffed french toast thing. Looked and tasted fabulous. Ashton and I had a Strawberry covered Belgium waffle and Landon got French Toast with eggs and bacon. We ate so much food that we didn't have to eat until dinner!


  1. What a bunch of piggies! I have never been there for breakfast,,, only once for dinner,,, is that weird?

  2. I like traditions ---this one is great and fun for the whole family. Way to go!!

  3. What a fun tradition. We just get up the next day and work (garden).

  4. Great tradition, maybe we will have to try it. We look the kids to Denny's for the first time last summer, and they thought it was the greatest breakfast place around. I know I have ruined my kids.
