Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Sunday

 Happy Easter everyone!  The trees are in blooming, the weather is warming, and the world is being renewed.  What a great day as our thoughts turn to Jesus Christ and the blessings that he has given us.
 My Easter morning fail consisted of Easton coming downstairs and asking where his Easter basket was.  haha  I headed to the basement and dusted off his basket and quickly filled it with little sweet Easter treats!  When do I have to stop doing this?

Our Easter Sunday this year was also General Conference so we enjoyed watching conference in our jammies and eating our traditional homemade cinnamon rolls.  It think they were the best ever this year.

Watching conference in your jammies means that no one will look at me for pictures because they don't look very good.  I captured the back of their heads and we'll call it good.  The memory has been officially documented.

1 comment:

  1. man, that cracks me up! Poor little Easton,,, lol. I think I may have done the same thing a few times.
