Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Water Creeping In

It's been raining now for about 36 hours--NONSTOP! The rains have come back to Georgia in a big way again. This is a picture of the wall and ceiling in the Loony Bin. Ugh. I'm not happy about it. The wet spot keeps getting bigger and bigger. Obviously we have a problem somewhere outside in the roof.
The basement is flooding also, in the spot where the cement wall of the basement ends and it's just cement slab. The Georgia drought is definitely over!!! The rain is supposed to stop by lunchtime and start drying out. Maybe my basement and loony bin will dry out before the next downpour comes and I have a chance to get a fix it guy out here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh that's awful! I didn't know the loony bin was bad too! geez, what a big stinkin' pain in the butt. Good luck with that one. So you get rain for 36 hours,, we get snow... I think i'd rather have the snow to tell ya the truth,, at least you can go sledding after! love ya
