Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saturday Morning

Throughout my unprofessional piano playing career I have had the opportunity to play for numerous baptism services.  Actually I've played at too many to even count.  I got a late night text last night asking if I could play for a baptism this morning at 10:00.  Sure!  I always am happy to share my talents and serve, especially when it involves someone being baptized.  It seemed a little early for my Saturday morning, but I rushed around and made it to the baptism just in time to share some prelude music.  I love sitting at the piano in the back watching people file in for the service.  I'm always amazed at how many people support these new members who are doing really BIG things with their lives.  I was especially touched this morning.  I thought of Dallin, my son serving a mission in Brazil and how he must feel when someone he has taught about Jesus Christ and his church willingly accepts the message and the challenge to be baptized.  I watched the Elders serving in our ward sitting with the newest member in our ward after her baptism and wondered what they were feeling.  I'm sure they were feeling extreme joy that they were blessed for their efforts and in turn this new sister in the gospel is also being blessed.  This gospel changes people's lives....for the better.  I'm grateful for missionaries who teach and find people, who share the good news of this gospel and help bring people into the waters of baptism.  And I'm grateful to have been able to be a little part of it this morning.

1 comment:

  1. I don't mind playing for piano or whatever,,, it is a good thing you can play anything!
