Monday, February 9, 2009


There's a feeling in the air--strange. It's the feeling you get when there's a nasty storm brewing. The air is stale, no movement. No breeze. Nothing. A dimly lit sky hovers over the earth. A calm before the storm. You know it's coming. You wait and wait for it to hit.

I'm living in the calm of an eminent storm. I know it's coming. The signs are there. People come, at least two a week now. They wander through my home, scrutinizing everything. Analyzing colors, floor plans, the yard, the unfinished basement. Is the refrigerator staying with the house? The skies in my life are changing color. It's coming. And I'm finally ready.

Bring on the clouds, the rain, the lightning and hail. I'm ready to face the storm with umbrella in hand and my galoshes on. I'm prepared for the moment. The cupboards are clean, closets organized, garage neat. The weather's about to change around here. When the clouds burst and we begin to bustle around with energy I'll let you know. Right now--I'll just enjoy the peace and stillness and wait.


  1. well wasn't that quite the literary piece? So, you think it's coming soon?? I haven't talked to you forever my dear. The folks have left, i'll call soon. I need to blog too.

  2. Hey - You inspired me today to get my blogging updated too! Just checking out yours. Good luck with the house hunters, and thanks for passing on the boy clothes to us!

  3. That piece needs to be published. You have really become a writer with feeling----I love to read your thoughts.
