Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Atlanta Hawks Game

Our sons, Landon and Easton love everything basketball.  They love playing it and watching it.  Landon is always checking the stats on his phone and Nexus and follows every team and player.  The boys have wanted to go to a Hawks game for quite a while.  Landon found some tickets on StubHub for the four of us and Dad said, "Buy em!"  We had quite the experience watching the game and feasting on hamburgers, pizza, soda and some sweet blue cotton candy. 
 We had pretty good seats.  The Hawks played the Dallas Mavericks and got pretty much killed.  Oh well, it was still fun to cheer for them.  During the last quarter the cheerleaders were doing a dance number on the court.  One of the cheerleaders did a kick and slipped, twirled around and landed SPLAT, facedown on her face.  She didn't even move while the rest of the girls just kept right on dancing.  As soon as the routine was finished the medical team quickly moved into work on her.  She was so still and didn't move at all.  They strapped her to a board and she had a huge neck brace on as the carefully lifted her on the stretcher and wheeled her off.  I'm not sure of her status now, but it was definitely scarey to watch.  Stephen actually saw her do the high kick and fall.  I just saw her flop to the ground and lay motionless.  I hope she is ok.
   Stephen and Sheila
Easton loves his pizza! 
  Not sure what happened to my eyes in this picture.....don't know how I even see sometimes!

1 comment:

  1. geez that cheer accident was nuts. i love going to NBA games too. maybe i'll be able to see some jazz games in the future. dad would get tickets sometimes at work and take me. it was the best.
