Friday, August 22, 2008

Advancements in Scouting

My sons have done it again! We are on the advancement trail of Scouting. Landon received his Life rank last night at his Court of Honor. Woohoo! I had no idea that was happening. He is now ready to get after the rank of Eagle. We look forward to working on a project and finishing a few more merit badges. Way to go, Landon! You are awesome. FYI--Dallin is also the rank of Life. They both are on the path to get their Eagles.

Dallin received the family life merit badge and his On My Honor award last night. Good job Dallin!


  1. So, good luck boys! Scouting is a very important part of a young dude's life... go get that EAGLE!

  2. I am so happy to read this. In our James family, it was a must that our boys got the Eagle. Your Grt-Grandpa James is smiling in Heaven. That was important to him. Keep working and get that EAGLE.
