Friday, August 29, 2008


Dallin is entering a new time in life--BRACES! He had braces put on his teeth yesterday and was feeling the aches and pains this morning. His front teeth aren't straight and his bottom left molars are out of alignment. He'll have these beautiful things for 18-20 months as long as he does what he is supposed to do. It'll be an adventure!


  1. I sooooo want braces Dallin. My teeth are really starting to turn. Now you and Madeleine will be twinners with your braces. I hope they work for you. And wear your retainer too. All my friends say they should have worn their retainer after braces.

  2. Ouch, Dawson is on the last few months of his, Duncan starts next.

  3. Dallin, You look as handsome as ever. 18 months is not long - just think how fast the last 18 have zipped along. I am still wearing my clunky retainer for my jaw every night. Sometimes it's a bother and other nights I don't feel it. Love you

  4. Oh the joy of braces! Make sure you wear your bands when you get to that point!

  5. Madeleine should get hers off next month, she was hoping sooner for pictures but it looks like another month. Good luck Dallin, Jamba juice is always a nice meal when you teeth are to tender to eat.
