Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fenced In

 We are finally fenced in!!!  After years of talking about getting a fence to block out the nasty unbuilt neighborhood behind us, it's done!  What a great addition to our backyard.  I cannot tell you the difference it makes when you look out the kitchen window and just see a beautiful fence, not a field of weeds and debris.  It feels so private, like my backyard is all mine.  I'm enjoying our enclosed backyard, but now it just makes me want to plant trees, plants, and flowers to get it all beautiful.  I'm posting a lot of pictures so Dad could see every angle!

 This is the gate that opens to the "garden level" of our yard in the front.
 This is looking at the other side of the garden level gate.
This is another gate that opens out to the path that goes in the front yard by the creek.

 This is the side by the garage.
When it stops raining long enough for the wood to dry off  and cure we will get it stained.


  1. Wow, what a difference a fence makes. What does Charlie think about it....does he stay out and play or still wants to be let in?

    I can see how you are itching to do something with all that space.
    Now you can have your dinner outside on the patio!!!

  2. looks awesome my dear. can't wait to see it in person someday.
