Thursday, May 23, 2013

Manis and Pedis

What a great time all the girls had getting our nails and toes done for the wedding.  It was a very stressful few days leading up to the wedding and I wasn't sure we would even be able to fit a trip to the Nail spa into our schedule, but it had to be done.  No nasty toenails and fingernails for us!  We had to be beautiful from our heads right down to our perfectly manicured feet.  Ashton's roommate from BYU had just arrived on an early flight from Kansas City that day so she was able to join us!
 Janelle is having a great time just relaxing without her adorable girls.
 Grandma enjoyed her special treatment but I was worried she would fall into the bubbly spa when she dozed off!  She may have even snored!
 The beautiful, blushing bride getting ready for the big day!
 Whitney getting the special treatment!
 These two girls go back to their freshman year at BYU.  They survived rooming together and are lifelong friends.  So glad Whitney made the trip!
And finally me.....I got two hours of relaxation and pampering.  It was a welcome time spent with the girls.

1 comment:

  1. It is such a nice present to myself whenever I get a pedicure.. next time I want to try the gel nails thingies.
