Friday, April 4, 2008

My daughter, the Facebook Stalker!

Ashton has been very nervous about going to BYU without knowing her roommate. Soooo, she took matters into her own hands last night and found one. She had joined a profile group on her Facebook that is for Upcoming Fall Freshman at BYU. She started looking at every girls' profile that she thought looked fun, cute and that she thought she would have a lot in common with. Last night she invited these girls to view her facebook profile and asked if she could do the same? After a few hours, and after stalking many poor, innocent girls, she narrowed it down to three girls in various parts of the country. She asked questions of each of them and the chatting went on for a few hours. She finally narrowed it down to a girl in Kansas City, MO that seemed like a fit for her. They just really seemed to click. They finally talked on the phone around 10 pm. It was settled quickly and they committed to room with each other. Both girls were thrilled. They have signed up together to be roommates in Helaman Halls in the Fall. This girl loves to sing, is adorable, looks so fun from all her goofy pictures with her friends, seems super nice and is way excited to go to BYU. I could hear her on the phone--Ashton and Whitney just kept saying that they had so much in common. Both Mom's were in the background feeding their girls various "important" roommate questions.

My daughter, the go-getter has solved yet another problem in her life. Who searches the internet for a BYU roommate? With technology the way it is, Whitney and Ashton will probably be best friends before they even meet each other. I know they are planning on talking again tonight.


  1. Sheila: Thanks so much for inviting me to your blog. My sisters have started doing blogs and they keep bugging me to do one but I haven't gotten up the courage yet! Your sooo tech savvy. Tell Ashton congrats on getting into BYU. Brendon has to settle for BYU Idaho. Ashton must have had a really high GPA and ACT score. Good job. Hope life in Georgia is treating you well. We are plugging along in Colorado. Our kids would kill us if we tried to move now but I sure miss the beauty of Georgia and the friendly people. Write back!

  2. Thanks for the invite.
    Way to go Ashton. Taking matters into her own hands. Will you let Ashton know that Makayla drew a picture of her the other day. I said that I saw Ashton at Young Womens and she then needed to draw a picture. It was rather cute.

  3. way to go Ashton.... i'm tellin' ya, technology is taking over human interaction. i'm glad you at least talked so you could learn what she sounds like. really though, way to have some courage. you're gonna do great down there. i'm a little shy girl and went to college both years without knowing my roomates or a single soul. i guarantee you'll be so fine. no worries alright?

  4. Ashton,
    Way to be pro active. It is so nice what technology lets you do now days. You are going to have so fun at college. Can't wait to hear about all the adventures.

  5. What a great idea Ashton. With roomates you never no what you will get especially when you have only one. It will be fun to have you in Provo.
