Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ol' Favorites

Janelle inspired us to create a blog about our favorite play things growing up. This is what the boys came up with. And I don't know why the entry is underlined!!!! Duh!

Landon loved his cat, Rusty, his duck, Quack, and his sea otter, Seaweed. He always slept with them.

These were Landon's super-sized jungle animals. He loved these for a time........

Batman and other action figures were always fun for Landon and Dallin. They had many make-believe battles together. Landon had a time where he loved four- wheelers. It may have been during the "cabin- fever" time. He collected various four-wheelers and was notorious for breaking them and super gluing them back together. He always wanted his toys to be perfect and he was the one who always took very good care of his toys and made sure he had all the pieces.

Landon and Easton have had a love affair with Light Sabers! You name it, we've had it. All colors, styles, sounds, and light effects. Birthdays and Christmas have always had a light saber of some sort!

Landon's turtle is probably his all time favorite thing. He has slept with this on his bed since he got it for Christmas many years ago. He sticks his feet under it while he sleeps. It takes up a lot of room and has been sent to the basement many times, but always appears back on his bed.

Easton loves his Webkinz, Rocky the racoon right now. It sleeps with him every night and eats breakfast with him every morning. Seaweed, the sea otters also sleeps with Easton every night, wrapped in his "Sinky" , his little blanket that he has slept with since he was a baby. We used to have 3 Sinkys but 2 have been lost over the years.

Dallin's childhood favorite was his kitty named, Rodo. He named it himself. As you can see by it's condition, it was loved dearly. Dallin took it everywhere and slept with it every night. It will follow him to his home when he gets married. He doesn't sleep with it anymore, but it is still special.

Some of Easton's favorites over the years are his Dora "pack-pack" that came full of Dora treasures. When the batteries were working you pushed the mouth and it would sing, Backpack, backpack just like the song on the show. He carried it with him everywhere! The little scottie dog was named, Pretzels. It was a sleeping with friend. The kangaroo, Joey with its baby was another good friend for a while.


  1. That was a fun one! What were Ashton's favorite toys?? I think Landon has many special toys that he will want in a big tupperware bin just for him so his kids can see what he played with someday. It really is fun. Where are your special things? I'd like to see your tupperware box full of stuff. I'm sure it will bring back memories for me, since I, being the baby, played with 4 siblings toys above me.

  2. My toys are still at Moms. I never really gathered them. I have some Raggedy Anne puzzles I really liked. I had a Skipper doll(She was Barbie's little sister who hadn't gone through puberty yet! I wasn't allowed to have a Barbie. Mom thought they were too sexy! I did love my Barbie makeup center. You could put makeup on her and do her hair. I loved the cool ponytail feature--you could pull the string on the back of her neck and her ponytail would get shorter. Or pull the ponytail and it would get longer. Janelle successfully destroyed that toy. When you are the older ones in the family your toys kind of get handed down and used a lot. Not much left to store in a Rubbermaid bin! It's okay. My kids have enough toys for everyone.

    I asked Ashton about her toys and she said she really didn't play with toys. That's really true. She did like her Leonora doll (cabbage patch) until it got lost. She liked books. She liked her American Girl dolls. Those are safely packed away for the future. I hope she has a girl who can enjoy those.

  3. Toys, toys, toys. Do you ever have too many toys. YES!! Sheila your little barbie is not here. I have never seen it here. I still have some of my toys, but they are useless and not interesting now. I should show Kaitlyn my big, Susan baby doll. That was my last doll. Girls do not have as many dolls now and do not play like we did in the olden days. Well, the Homer girls have done a lot of playing with dolls. It is fun to see the toys the boys played with. I remember a lot of them --Landon's big turtle, and the cat that Dallin loved. If you keep them long enough they will someday be in a Museum and they could be worth a lot of money. I still remember the cats that Dawson loved - in fact he WAS a cat. Are they still on the computer with dialogue? Things just come and go. And isn't it fun to be the one who has the most popular thing available. You most remember I did not buy a lot of trends.

  4. I remember your barbie doll head, and no I did not destroy it, I think it was your brother's who finally did it in. I just did a lot of makeup on her face. I did think it was pretty cool. Mom has your puzzles still, they're downstairs in the play room. Skipper is long gone. Haven't seen that forever! I remember Ashton having a lot of toys. But she didn't really have anyone to play with? I loved the tinker toys, where did those go? Probably got tossed out when they moved.

  5. I have the Skipper doll in my "box." I may have thrown it out on my last basement cleaning binge. Can't remember. Where are the giant Tinker toys? I did love those. We played with those a lot. Remember when I built that huge garden swing set and Janelle sat in it? I think we took pictures.

  6. I have never seen those pics if they existed....K,Kaitlyn went to a birthday party and the park is canyon view park in spanish fork...that's where we are in those pics.

  7. I was never really attached to any of my toys. I liked playing dolls and I do have a cabbage patch doll still but it doesn't bring back a fantastic memory moment. I also have a porcelain doll my mom made me which I do cherish but I never get out because I wouldn't want it broken. My kids love all their American Doll stuff and we will keep that. McCoy loves his big soccer pillow. Kate and Samantha love their My Little Ponies and Little Pet Shops. Benjamin is not a big toy player but loves soccer balls, baseballs, basketballs, (which we go through and are not keepable as they wear out.) and of course video games.

  8. p.s. Love that picture of Dallin.

  9. Janelle gave me the green four - wheeler. Landon

  10. I did???? I have no memory of that. Refresh it please.

  11. So many fun memories. I will have to ask my boys what their favorite toys are or were. I know Dawson is into to cats right now. The other boys jumpl from thing to thing. I have a few keep sake dolls in a box. I don't think my boys would want to play with them. Craig still has his Tonka Trucks, but no one really plays with them.

  12. Too funny! It freaks me out to see Landon so old now! Especially since I was his primary teacher when he was 5! Yikes--where has the time gone?

  13. Janelle, when we lived in Utah for six months. I had my birthday there. I was really attached to those. I had five of them. A yellow one, a flaming one, A red one with lightning, A green bear tracker like Grandpa's old one (Now Keith's), and the green one that I have had for the longest time.

  14. Janelle gave it to me for my BIRTHDAY!

  15. Well I'm glad I gave Landon something he was attached to. I don't remember that,,, that's horrible. I generally remember everything.... maybe it will come back to me.

  16. Yeah, it's good to know that Janelle has given a well received gift to at least one of her nephew's (sorry Ben... She will do better next year)

    Love Uncle Bren

  17. Wow! A comment from Uncle Bren!
