Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Sad Day

Easton experienced a very sad day on Sunday. His turtle, Dash passed away in the morning. Easton was absolutely hysterical and inconsolable all day. He couldn't get ready for church and he just couldn't stop crying. None of us knew what to do for him. He stayed home from church with Landon. He was a mess. He just kept saying that he was so sad and that he missed Dash so much. He said,"I just can't do this. I really can't do this. How am I going to do this?" It was a sad day for all of us. Easton didn't go to sleep until after 11 pm because he just couldn't settle down.

On Monday he was still a little weepy and mopey, but he is dealing with it. Dash is in a box and Easton carries it around. Eventually I hoping he will be ready to bury it or forget about it. The irony--they never played with these turtles. At one time they were trying to give them away to the neighbors! We still have one turtle left and Easton is insisting that we get another one even though he says we can't ever replace Dash.


  1. Tell Easton we are sorry for his turtle.

  2. well that's just plain sad! makes your heart hurt to know that he is learning to deal with death. are you going to get a new turtle then? what's going to happen when the rats pass? oh boy. what a hard day indeed. I remember when we gave Gunner away and I cried the whole way home from the house we dropped him off at. that was a hard one for me.

  3. Easton, we are sorry for your loss. That is tough to loss someone you love even a turtle.

  4. Easton, Grandma and Grandpa are sosry that you have lost the turtle. I never did have a pet, but I did have some goldfish that died. Aunt Carol and I put them in a little jewelery box and buried them. I am glad that you have your rats to be your pets and hope they will be with you for a long time. It is sad when they go.

  5. I was so sad when I read this story. I remember when my bird died, it was the worst day of my life (at that time in my life that is) So ... is there going to be a new turtle to keep Easton company?

  6. Easton says,
    Grandma--I will have my rats for eight more years. That's how long they live. I'd rather have a rat than a chinchilla. Thanks for being concerned. I'm okay now.
