Friday, May 2, 2008

Keep on Reading

I finished two books this week that I thought I would share--for those of you who read. First I read, Rebecca, for my book club. It was written in 1938 (I believe) and has become kind of a classic. Ashton had to read it this year for her AP Lit class. It was fun because we were able to "discuss" the book on a deeper level. She asked me pretty deep, thought provoking questions about all the symbolism stuff and character analysis. Rebecca was a very different mystery with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. I found myself feeling compassion for the murderer. It was weird how the author made you feel that way. It was a fairly easy read. I would recommend it.

The second book I finished was Fablehaven. This was discussed at our last book club meeting as a book that was awesome and should be read. I read it and it was enjoyable, but I didn't think it was incredible. It was fun and entertaining. There are more books in this series, but I don't think I am moved to read anymore.

I'm currently reading Nothing But the Truth, by Avi. I'll let you know how that goes. I like it so far. And...I do know that titles of books have to be capitalized, but the blog program won't let me do it.


  1. The books sound fun and interesting... When is your book reading time?

  2. I'm proud of you. Wow, how do you do it ALL?
