Monday, May 19, 2008

Seminary Graduation

Last evening Ashton graduated from seminary. I know some of you are thinking that it's no big deal, but let me tell you what a big deal it is. For the past four years of high school Ashton has been getting up between 5:00 and 5:30 to be ready to go by 6:00 am. They listen to their teacher until 6:50 and then they walk over to the high school. These seminary kids are sleep deprived! They stay up too late and a lot of them are involved in after school activities. Going to bed early isn't always an option.

We are happy that Ashton finished what she started and graduated. I hope she learned about the scriptures and that her testimony has grown through this experience. Dallin completed his first year--only three more to go. Woohoo! Enjoy your sleep this summer and not getting up before the sun does! You're both awesome kids.


  1. Way to go Ashton and Dallin. That is such a great thing you did. Thanks for being such great examples for your younger cousins. We have one more year until we start the early morning thing. One more year of real sleep.

  2. I only had to do early morning while in Germany,,, so I kinda know what it's about.. but I am glad you stuck with it... sleep always sounds so much better I know... What a fun week for Ashton,,, things are coming to an end,, and things are coming to a beginning... it's a very fun and scary time. I remember it like it was yesterday.

  3. Congratulations Ashton!!! That is a cool thing. Madeleine took early morning seminary this year so she could have more electives although her seminary started at 7am. She has nothing to complain about. Way to Go!

  4. You early morning seminary people each deserve a medal ---as well as the Mother's.
