Sunday, July 12, 2009

Scones 'N Storms

Do you ever have a food craving pop into your head--just out of the blue? It happened this evening after coming home from visiting a friend. SCONES!!! The thought of hot, buttery scones slathererd with honey just popped into my brain, obviously inspired by my hungry stomach. I had to whip up a batch. I don't even know where the thought came from but it was so real that I could almost taste the sweet, warm scone melting in my mouth. The kids were in shock as they discovered and anticipated the delectable scones. It's seriously been years since we've had these babies! Ashton used to make them all the time when she was little, almost every Sunday morning. The table was set with honey, butter, powdered sugar and tall glasses of cold milk. It didn't take long before the dough was sizzling in the hot oil. Mmmmmmm! "Scones are ready!!!!" The crowd of my family tumbled down the stairs quickly and raced to the table. It was a treat as we downed a few too many.

After our tummies were filled to capacity we enjoyed watching a fantastic thunder storm from the front porch. It was a real downpour, but we stayed dry. It can be so peaceful watching a raging storm, especially when you're not wet. The kids were in awe of the downpour and the incredible lightening. Dad would have liked this one!


  1. How fun! I'm glad you shared your activity with the bloggers. So, tell me how to make scones and what your recipe is... Actually I think I have it,, yes I do. Ok, now I just have to do it. Stephen is looking tan! (Hi Ashton) Glad to see you on the blog,, it's been awhile.

  2. Hooray--the Carroll's are back! Glad to see you guys all doing your thing.

  3. Yum! They look delicious. I LOVED sconecutter's cinnamon scones when we lived in Utah...couldn't get enough of them.

  4. I haven't had a scone for centuries. Yours looks yummy!

  5. Your scones look so good, do you make them from scratch? I use rhodes bake and serve rolls, but they still take work rolling them out and cooking them. Yours look puffier(if that is even a word) than mine. I think I will be making scones this week.
