Sunday, August 16, 2009

Laser Show

I can't even tell you how many times we have been to the Laser Show at Stone Mountain. We love going every summer. Most of my family who have visited have experienced the lights, music and sounds of the light show. I've been with the YW for years and this year I thought I would miss it, but Stephen volunteered us to drive the YM for the combined YM/YW activity. Woohoo! We had a a blast enjoying an evening out with our bug spray and lawnchairs. Life just seems to be more enjoyable when you get outside!
Easton and I get to cuddle since the big boys were hanging with their friends.

Easton took this picture of Stephen and I.

1 comment:

  1. You guys look cute! I have seen the laser show, probably like 10 years ago. It was pretty cool.
