Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I woke up this morning with something sprouting on my face, a little swollen red spot that was tender to the touch. What's up with that? I'm 43, pushing 44 and still getting ZITS?!? All of the health books are giving out the wrong information. I remember taking Health/Sex Education in junior high. That short, arrogant little man--the wrestling coach taught us all about puberty and the birds and the bees. Puberty was a time of physical growth and change. The prepubescent ones in class were taught that there would be many changes in our bodies in the next few years and one of those changes would be the addition of dreaded pimples on our beautiful, innocent faces. Ugh! Through the teenage years I think we all handled our little outbreaks with as much dignity as could be expected. Thank goodness for Coverup and Clearasil. I tried the whole Noxema thing, but it just made me smell like a medicine cabinet and oh, the tingly skin. That was intense! But back to Health class-- the misinformation. I was under the impression that when puberty was over, so would be the zits. It's just not true. I think the publishers of the Health books need to reevaluate the information placed in their textbooks.

Myth: Zits occur during puberty.
Fact: Zits are a lifetime issue.

Perhaps I would have been more prepared to handle a lifetime of zits if I had known right from the start that it was inevitable. I could have accepted the little red eruptions on my face with grace. I just needed to hear the truth. Why couldn't the PE/Health teacher just be honest with us? I think as hopeful teenagers we could have handled it somehow. It's time to take a stand and let all the prepubescent teenagers know that they too, will have many encounters with annoying blemishes. They don't stop when you're done blooming, they just keep coming no matter how old you are.'s out in the open. Please share this information with all the budding teenagers you know. The truth must be told to protect the youth and help them deal with this emotional blow. The affects of the lies and deceit can be devastating. If but one youth can be helped with this information then this post will have been worth all the effort.


  1. You're pretty dang funny Sheila. I remember getting my first zit, and to tell you the truth, I was excited,,, because that finally meant that I had hit puberty... Mind you it was when I was like 16,, but still. I just wanted to hit Puberty for crying out loud!!!

    Sorry about your zit problems. Thankfully I haven't had to deal with too many in my lifetime.

  2. Oh my gosh!!! I did not want to hit Puberty. What a bother that was. As for the zits, I still get a white head and you know how old I am. Hee hee

  3. Maybe you're still going through puberty--you know us Homers.

    BTW, our wonderful health teacher was Mr. Morris. He was a former Marine, our PE teacher and wrestling coach, and loved to get into the mix when we played floor hockey. You don't forget him.
