Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ta dah!!!!

After weeks of watching, watering, and weeding we are finally enjoying some vegetables out of garden. We've had successes and failures. Gardening in Georgia is harder than I thought it would be. There are so many bugs to contend with that can just flat out kill your plants. I still have yet to get any zucchini and we all know it's really hard to kill a zucchini! Only two squash have been produced. We get squash worms that bore through the bottom of the stem and crawl up the hollow stem and hang out. Ugh! The peppers look like they're doing well and then they start rotting right on the plant so we have yet to eat one of those. We had eleven watermelon at one time, now there's four. They rot too. Tomatoes are doing okay despite the fact that we have blight and rot. I'm enjoying the cherry tomatoes and grape tomatoes. Now...cucumbers did well! I eat those everyday with my blue cheese dressing. mmmmm... Beans did well too. We have one pumpkin and a ton of gourds. The kids have had a blast checking the garden everyday and counting the produce. Hopefully with experience we will figure out how to beat all of the fungus, disease and bugs that come from gardening in the SOUTH!


  1. Gardening is a tough job it sounds like. I'm going to be ultra busy next summer then. Yikes, I'm a little scared about the bug factor,, oh,, and I just remembered we have Peter Cottontail Bunnies hopping all over my yard. They're going to love eating my veggies.

  2. it seems gardening is hard where ever you live. But the rot does not seem like a problem here.
    This must be the reason I did not do the veggie garden here. It is a lot of work.
