Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How'd She Do That?!?

 Those of you who have been to my house are very familiar with my steep and sometimes challenging driveway.  On numerous occasions people have had trouble backing down it and have gotten themselves in a bit of a pickle.  When our house was being built a cement truck that was full of cement was backing down it and fell off the cliff and into the creek upside down.  The load of cement stopped churning and it hardened.  The neighbors report that it took two days to gather enough strong equipment to pull the truck out of the creek.  Today another incident happened....Easton's friend was dropped off to play and the mother (whom I just met today) was backing down and somehow backed down the grassy hill and into the bed of our creek...STUCK!!!  It was quite the seen with tears and neighbors watching.  She came and got me at the door and I was so shocked to see her beautiful shiny purple Charger planted in our creek.  The back tire was buried halfway in mud and the other rear tire was floating two feet off the ground over the gurgling water.

The mom was very tearful about what her husband was going to do.  She kept saying, "My husband is going to kill me!" and I kind of sensed that she meant it.  I reassured her as we decided it would be best to call a tow truck to pull her out.  We got to know each other at the kitchen table as we waited for over an hour for the tow truck to arrive. 

 Weylan, our friendly little toothless tow truck driver assessed the situation when he arrived and felt confident that he could get the car out safely.  After placing his truck in just the right spot on the driveway, he attached long cables to the underneath part of the car and began to very slow process of "reeling" in the car.  It slowly came up the hill while Weylan was constantly checking the progress.  At one point I ran and got my clippers to trim a few branches so the car wouldn't get scratched.  Weylan had to move his truck once to place it in a better spot to continue pulling the car out. 

The car was successfully pulled onto the driveway and Weylan safely parked it on the street for my new best friend to exit the driveway.  The car was very muddy, dusty and covered with leaves but it survived without a scratch.  The lady (I can't even remember her name) is not even going to tell her husband about it and paid her son $20 not to say anything to his Dad.....nice.  I guess after a good car wash nobody will ever know what happened to the shiny, purple Charger that drove up my driveway this morning.  Oh, and I'm driving Easton's friend home this afternoon...we're not taking any chances!


  1. um, duh. like didn't she feel she was off the driveway?? and then she just kept going.. did she slide down the grass cause of the rear wheel drive?? So confused.. and I don't think it will be kept a secret,, just my opinion. That boy will somehow spill the beans. women drivers....

  2. Oh my gosh! I love the full story...especially the 20 dollar bribe. That's too good. I can't believe that someone went off your driveway! Who would do that?!?!?!
