Thursday, January 15, 2009


Little Easton reached a milestone in his eight years of life--Cub Scouts! Being eight means you are old enough attend Cub Scouts with the other rowdy eight year old boys at church. Excitement was in the air all week as Easton counted down the days until Thursday. He reminded me often that he needed a scout shirt. Thanks to older brothers, I was able to "recycle" an old shirt and we were ready for the momentous occasion. Easton walked into the room of loud boys with confidence. An hour later he was reporting about the evening. A great experience but we will be making changes for next week. Shirt must be tucked in and a cute little yellow scarf thing will be hanging around Easton's neck. How could I not know that Easton needed that? Oh well. Life is good when you're eight.


  1. Yippee for Easton. We love our Cub Scouts!!!

  2. Oh the scouting... maybe you're new calling will be den mother.. ha ha

    Easton, you look great!

  3. Easton, this is the start of you becoming an Eagle. I like you dressed in a cub shirt.

  4. Cub Scouts is the best place for a boy to be. Declan still has a year and is counting down.

  5. Yea for cub scouts and yea we don't have to do it for 3 more years.
