Tuesday, January 27, 2009


While doing some returns at my store TJ Max, my eye caught a fabulous pair of silver flats on sale--a smoking deal! I tried them on. Feeling a little like Cinderella I was a flutter when I realized they fit perfectly. Ah, the joy of a new pair of shoes--I've wanted silver ones for a while but couldn't find the perfect ones. Upon arriving home with my treasures I began the examination process. You know, when you really look at your new purchase. I tried them on and gazed at their cuteness in the mirror. I even tried on a few outfits with them and oh, the possibilities. As I took them off I glanced at the inside label and was horrified! The brand name was Naturalizer! How could that be possible? I don't wear Naturalizer shoes--that's the brand my Mom has always worn. I remember searching for shoes at department stores with Mom as a child. She had long, narrow feet with a high arch and really had a hard time finding shoes that fit and were comfortable. She was drawn to the Naturalizer brand because they somehow worked for her strangely shaped feet. We knew we had found the Mother Lode when a cute pair of Naturalizers were found. I, on the other hand was never drawn to that brand. They just were not my style--seemed a little matronly to me. Don't get me wrong. My mother is a super classy lady and has always dressed very nice and is always put together. She's just a little more conservative than I am. Now I find myself questioning my shoe purchase. Have a become my Mother finally or has Naturalizer changed their style to fit mine? Am I just getting old and matronly? I've been thinking about this change of events with grave concern. It would be silly just to return them because of the stigma I have attached to their label. So...what was I to do? I stepped out of my comfort zone, embraced my matronly season in life and wore my funky new shoes last Saturday, feeling pretty cool and hip--I'm so loving my Naturalizers!


  1. You made me laugh, Sheila! I am going to vote for "Naturalizer has changed their style to fit yours"! That is a good thing when a company doesn't stay in the past. You will love your shoes, because they are comfortable.

  2. I agree with the above comment. They wanted to attract HOT 43 year old women like yourself so they started getting hipper - not the other way around! I need to gets me some of those cute shoes.

  3. Oh brother. The worst was when I was a teenager and mom made me buy Naturalizers for church shoes and they were so matronly, and I was 14!!!! Issues.

    I think they're cute, and who cares what brand they are. If they are comfortable and they fit your wacky style, then just go for it. I need to try that store TJ Maxx. You know I have issues shopping in places like that..... I just don't like it. I don't like the flipping of shirt after shirt after shirt looking for a deal and the right size.

  4. My last two pair of shoes were naturalizer and I thought they were cute, but I loved that they were comfortable.

  5. Remember that commercial when we were young where all those women/models are playing basketball in their high heel Naturalizer pumps? It still cracks me up.

  6. I couldn't find that commercial, but you can try this one for laughs. Maybe Sheila is secretly a FAYVA girl!

  7. Duh, I forgot to put the link--


  8. I do remember that commercial. That was pretty funny. The Fayva girl thing was pretty funny too. I wasn't a Fayva girl, although I wanted to be. My mom wouldn't shop there.

  9. I am almost crying from laughing. I do not know why my children are so funny. Naturalizers are cool and comfortable and yes, sometimes a little frumpy. I tried to not buy the frumpy ones. Anyway, the older you get, the more comfort is a priority. I'm so glad you found the hip, cool naturalizer..

  10. Janelle I not remember you wearing Naturalizer shoes at age 14. I think you make things up in your mind so you can blame me for all your issues. Maybe Bren should have gone into physicology so he could treat the whole family. I did the best I could. Remember I had to deal with your father and his issues. Laugh, laugh laugh.

  11. We have some serious, deep-rooted issuses! I don't know how we all turned out so well.

  12. This post is too funny! They are super cute shoes, so I guess they are just a cooler brand now.

  13. I think the key to it all is that even with our issues, we're still a "work in progress" so that there is hope.

    Now if we can deal with the issue of passing our issues on to our children, then we would be accomplishing something.

  14. I was laughing out loud as I was reading this post. You are so funny. I thought the shoes were cute.
