Thursday, March 12, 2009


In front of the high school there is a large marquis that posts information and announcements. Everyone in the town of Suwanee sees it when they drive by.

For the last couple of weeks it has read:


Star Student: Jeffrey Angel

Star Teacher: Mrs. Shumway

This is very cool because both of these people go to our church and they are very wonderful, talented individuals. Dallin said they announced their names over the intercom at school. The LDS students at North Gwinnett are very well known. I guess they just kind of stand out and it's pretty much general knowledge who all the Mormon kids are. They are high achievers and involved in everything from band, chorus, art club, athletics, computer club, drama, math club, and the list goes on. After the announcement Dallin's friend wanted to know why Mormons were all so talented. Then he said that he wants to have a half Mormon baby when he grows up so that it will be smart and talented. As I have thought about this comment over the past few days I've really wondered why Mormons are so talented and such high achievers. I found a great answer in the February Ensign. We have always been taught to "lengthen our stride" and to always be improving. It's just ingrained in us to achieve our full potential. We want to be successful and we have been encouraged to use our talents for good and to always work on improving. President Hinckley said, "Just do the best you can, but be sure it is your very best." That pretty much says it all. I'm very thankful that the LDS youth at North Gwinnett are letting their lights shine through their academic achievements and extracurricular activities and showing their best.


  1. a half mormon baby???? really??? that is the weirdest thing i've ever heard. Did Dallin laugh out loud? There are a lot of talented people out there, but like you said about your high school, they just sort of stand out.

  2. This makes me proud of our youth and their mommy and daddys who encourage them.
    If there is anything virtous, lovely or of good report we seek after these things. And starting in Primary to do great things like give talks, sing, etc. plus there is family Home evening where talents are discovered and used. I could go on and on.

  3. Way to go Mormon Youth, People are watching! I loved that they do see something different about us.
