Tuesday, March 10, 2009


As I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner Easton was helping by putting the soap in the dishwasher and turning it on. I was hand washing the pans by hand. We discussed how cool it was that someone invented the dishwasher. Here's a bit of our conversation--you'll love this Mom!

Me: You know, Grandma didn't have a dishwasher growing up.

Easton: She washed the dishes by hand?

Me: Yes

Easton: Did she have a sink?

Me: Yes

Easton: Oh, that's good.


  1. now that's a crack up... The kids need to see some old pictures of grandma...

  2. Yes, getting our water with the pump, feeding the chickens, riding the horse to school, and wearing my pioneer dress to church.
    This is so funny. We even had a refrigerator and could have ice cream.

  3. I am very grateful for the dishwasher. If I didn't own one, I think I would be paper plate mom.
