Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lizard Lovin'

The warm spring sun is heating up! And when that happens the lizards appear. We are very fortunate to have a variety of lizards that hang out in our yard. When the western afternoon sun sizzles on our front yard, lizards come out to bask in the warmth. A mad dash of excitement results as Easton and friends scramble to catch the speedy little critters. Easton and the next-door-neighbor friend, Jamie have mad lizard catching skills. They easily catch the brown and fluorescent green creatures--the blue-tailed skinks are the hardest to capture because they're FAST. They play with them for a while and hold them captive in the "bug-catcher". At the close of the adventuresome afternoon the dinner bells signal the end of the play day. Quick moving lizards are released and scurry off to enjoy their freedom. But alas, the boys will be BACK to catch and release once more.


  1. Oh my word. Who wants to hurry and catch these weird things?
    Nature and boys just go together...

  2. We too have lizards everywhere. I have a feeling Carter will be doing the same thing. Boys!!!

  3. I have a few kids that would love that. Last Saturday they went out in the yard with their bug nets and caught a jar full of flies. The annoying kind that you find in your house. Ick!

  4. Cool, that is one thing we don't catch in New York. I love the litte green one.

  5. We have those down here. All over the place. Bren catches them for Kaitlyn to see,,, I guess boys never grow up. He still loves the fast adventure of catching them.
