Monday, March 2, 2009

Blue and Gold

Only two more to go! Two more blue and gold banquets to go to for Easton and then I don't have anymore for the rest of my life! What an exciting time of life for us. Friday was Easton's first blue and gold banquet as a Cub scout. Oh, the sloppy joes and chips were fabulous and the skits were unusually funny. The awards ceremony went on without a hitch. But, I have to say the highlight of the evening was Easton winning second place in the cake decorating contest. We always seem to do well in this event (history will show that Dallin and Landon both took awards in previous contests) and really let the creativity flow. The theme was "America" so we chose to make a baseball hat cake--you know, baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet. Easton was thrilled with the event and had fun "helping" me design a cake. And I'll have you know that I didn't have a cake mix in the pantry and wasn't in the mood to go to the store so we actually made the cake from a recipe. It was way better than a box cake. Who knew? We weren't cake people growing up so we never ventured into that part of cooking. Actually, I'm still not a cake person.Easton shows off his second place ribbon. First place was a cake with a mountain range made out of rice krispies and other cute stuff.


  1. So cute! The Carroll tradition lives on of awesome cake decorating. I have never made a cake from scratch...I guess I will have to try it. Good job, Easton!

  2. I know,, what's wrong with us?? I've never made brownies or a cake from scratch. Good job Easton. I remember going to a blue gold dinner once when I was there visiting. It was Dallin's. and Easton was running around the floor, I think he was 2. Anyways, look at him now, all grown up. So fun Sheila. But don't you get just a little sad, thinking these chapters of your life are closing? I would be. It's all happening a little fast I think.

  3. What a cubby baker!! Cute design and all that to eat. Wow
    I'm happy to see you are doing so well in Cubs./ Remember our extended family reaches for the Eagle!!

  4. You realize because you said that you are going to become a den leader and even be more involved in scouts. HEHEHEHE - Your Blue and Gold looked alot funner than ours. Way to go

  5. I still rmember blue and gold dinners from when I was a little cub scout.

  6. Great cake Easton! The Blue and Gold Dinner is a favorite. I have a few more years of all the fun.
