Sunday, March 30, 2014


I know you have all heard the saying, "Three times the charm."  Well, we're hoping that is true over here in our neck of the woods.  Easton started wearing glasses a few weeks ago and it's taken a while for him to get used to.  Sometimes he forgets to wear them.  Sometimes I forget to remind him to put them on because I'm just not used to seeing him in them. I simply don't even notice that something is amiss.   We've had challenges with the glasses fitting properly and we've also had challenges with the glasses breaking.

I posted a story about the first time they were broken on the blog.  Remember when they simply fell off of Easton's face onto the floor at school at the same time that a friend was walking by?  The spectacles were stepped on and the nose piece broke off.  Thankfully that was an easy adjustment and they were fixed by the next day and back on his face.

The second time they broke was kind of a fluke.  Easton had set them on the kitchen table.  He went to grab them and accidentally dropped them on the floor.  As they dropped to floor his foot just happened to be moving in a walking motion and stepped on the falling glasses as they landed with a thud.  They were accidentally crushed and literally snapped the frame causing the lens to fall out.  It was a bad day for Easton and he felt awful about it.  I took the pieces to the eye store the next day and they were able to fix it for no extra charge because it was within the 90 day warranty window.  They took his lenses and popped them into a new frame and we were on our way again to having improved vision.  As I handed him the new eye pieces I reminded him to be extremely careful with them.

I received the following text from Easton last Friday while he was in school.  You're really not going to believe this....

YEP!  The glasses were broken again.  DEMOLISHED!  The text message you see here pretty much sums up the status of his glasses.  He said after his friends' jacket swiped them off his face he couldn't even find where they went.  It was so bizarre!  Some girl found them on her chair and saw that she had been accidentally been sitting on them.  What are the odds of that?  I picked up his glasses from school and headed over the eye glasses place because I wanted to get them fixed so that Easton wouldn't be without his glasses for the whole weekend.  As it turned out, they didn't have his frames in stock and they had to be ordered.  We should have them by the end of the week.  UGH!  The eye glass lady was able to place his lenses in a temporary pair so he could see over the weekend but they were a really dorky pair of glasses that he would never wear in public, just at home.  So as you can see the third times a charm around here!  I hope there are no funny phrases about the fourth time out there.  We need to fix these glasses and let's hope we are through with destructive glasses incidences for a long time!

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