Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2:57 am.....That's what time Dallin came in my room this morning to tell me he was ready to go to seminary. He always pops his head in my room when it's time to go at 5:55 am. Then I roll out of bed, put on my flip flops and jacket, grab my keys in the kitchen junk drawer and head out to the garage. This morning was strange when I glanced at the clock after waking up from my dream. It took me a moment to focus and then it sank in that it was only 2:57. Was my clock wrong? I yelled down to Dallin who was already in the kitchen getting his backpack ready. "Dallin, it's not time." "Ahhhh," he replies. I tell him to go back to bed. How crazy is that? And the funny thing is that it's not the first time to happen.
Later when I was driving Dallin to seminary at the real time I asked him why he got up so early. He explained that he had woken up and looked at just the minutes on the clock. It read 35 and he assumed that it was 5:35 so he jumped out of bed, showered, ate breakfast and was ready to go. He loves seminary so much that he wanted to be on time.


  1. Oh geez,, maybe he needs glasses! That's a pretty classic Dallin story I must say... how did he get back to sleep for another 3 hours? and how did you more importantly?

  2. That's too funny. I remember doing that a few times when I was in seminary too--it is the craziest feeling after you had showered and gotten all ready for the day to realize that you are a bit early--like hours too early!

  3. Doesn't that happen to everyone during the early seminary days. I remember doing it and it just makes you so mad.

  4. Dallin, you are great. Way to go to seminary.

  5. Now that is a funny story. I don't think I was every that excited to go to seminary.
