Monday, October 13, 2008

Park Hopping

With a day off of school today we had to do something to get out of the house and have some fun. After we finished doing our morning cleaning it was decided that it was a great day for Park Hopping! We made a plan to go to all of the five parks in Suwanee that have playgrounds. We gave ourselves a thirty minute time limit at each park. We started with E.E. Robinson--it's an older park and the boys were done after 13 minutes. Kind of lame and more for the wee ones.

George Pierce Park was next. This used to be the only park in town when we first moved here. Mom will remember this one because Dallin almost died here while riding his big wheel when she was babysitting the kids while Stephen and I were in Germany. This awesome green snake was on the walking path--I almost stepped on it! These little steps bounced as you walked on them. The boys really liked these.This was the favorite thing at this park. They were monkey bar type things that twirled as you grabbed them. You had to carefully move to the next ring without falling off. It was very difficult--I even tried it and it was hard.

There aren't any playgrounds at the Town Center Park so we ate lunch at one of the cool restaurants in the park. We grabbed a 5 Guys burger for lunch and were planning on eating it outside on the patio area, but an outside smoker stopped us in our tracks. Duh!
This park is a large, fun playarea for kids. It's a huge castle that the kids can run in and out of. There are poles to climb, walls to scale, and slides to go down. Great for all ages because they have a little kid side and the big kid side. Landon and Easton loved the tire swing--they were a little woosey when we left this park.

We took a drive-thru stop at Chick-fil-A on the way to our last park for a refreshing icecream cone. It gave us energy for the next adventure.
We love this new park--this is the one that I already posted about. This was Landon's first time. We brought the bikes and explored the trails. I had planned on bringing my sneakers, but left them in kitchen so I was stuck with flip flops, which don't make very good walking shoes. I sat on a bench and enjoyed the beauty of the lake while the boys took one swing around the entire park together. Then we hit the playground. That was just too much fun.
This is the funky teeter totter thing. With the help of Landon's strong legs, the boys were able to keep it going all by themselves.

This was a cool climbing wall. I don't think you're really supposed to climb to the top, but of course that's what the kids did. One girl got stuck up on top and she couldn't get herself down. I watched her think it through for a while until her mother showed up.
Our day of Park Hopping was awesome! We loved every park because they all had some cool things. I'm glad we ventured out of the house and had some serious fun.


  1. Those two boys will always remember this day,,, even around the dinner table 20 years from now. Great idea and so random at the same time! It's good to be a kid,,,,ice cream and burgers too..

  2. What a fun idea. I don't know how you think of such fun things to do. Don't remind me about Pierce Park. That was a bad day in my menory bank!! By the way, where is Dalllin - he missed out on the fun. Is he getting too old for fun??

  3. What a fun day. That is a good idea to hit several and have a time limit at each one. They just open a Five Guys and a Burger here at Fort Union. Keith and I went there last Saturday night. We really liked the burgers they fries were just okay.

  4. Such a great idea, because my kids are done with the park after about 30 minutes. I will have to try that the next day off.

  5. Ok, I'm tired just looking at all your pictures. You are a super mom, and that is where all the YW energy has gone! I bet your boys loving having all the extra time with you.

  6. Will you adopt me and Tuscanee into your family?!? I love the idea of park hopping. I wish I could find cool parks like you have. Seriously, so fun!
