Thursday, October 2, 2008

Letters from the Past

Do these letters look familiar? I have been going through old boxes and came upon my box full of letters. I think I kept every letter I have every received in my life! It's been fun reading through them and I've been throwing most of them away except for the ones from family. These pictures show letters that I received from my cousins, Aimee and Cindi when I was up at Ricks College (Fall 1983). They were probably 5 years old or less. I thought they were so cute that I had to post them.


  1. I remember that halloween too. Cutest pictures of the girls and Al!

  2. Yes, they were cuties. And still are! Al scared everyone with his gorilla mask.

  3. Wow, I had amazing handwriting at a young age. Sheila, you are so cute for posting our letters. We loved having you as a older cousin ... we still DO! :)

  4. We used to write letters and now we just take digital pictures of letters and post them on our cyber blogs.

  5. What fun memories. That is cute that you saved the letters from us.
