Friday, October 17, 2008

Breakfast Conversation

Easton and I have the best morning conversations while he is eating breakfast. It's just me and him against the world spending quiet time together.

Easton: Mom, I need a belt.
Mom: Why?
Easton: Because my pants keep falling down when I run at recess. (Who knew?)
Mom: Oh--well I didn't know that. Get one out of your belt bucket.
Easton: OK.

Mom: When you get A's in school you can go to college at BYU like Ashton.
Easton: Is it a college?
Mom: No, it's actually a university, it's a big college.
Easton: Oh, BYU....Brigham Young Anniversary!


  1. too cute. i'm glad you are writing these things down. sorta like how when i was his age i was praying for 'sheila to study hard so she can get into byu'... ha ha

  2. You and Easton have the cutest conversations.

  3. I love the conversations. I need to do that more. Since our blogs are like our journals, good idea to record these things on our blogs.

  4. Life is great when you have children who think through big things!
