Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's official--I've been retired from my calling as Young Women's President. I was released Sunday after being in for over 2 and a half years. Wow! It's been a great ride. I really have enjoyed serving the girls in the Suwanee Ward. Young Womens has been my social life for the past few years. It's made me do things that I wouldn't have normally done and forced me out of my comfort zone on many occasions. We went to three girls' camps and had three youth conferences together. We've planned some great New Beginnings programs and awesome Night of Excellence programs. We had an awesome Roadshow and received the Best All Around Award from the Stake. There have been some really cool Leadership Training evenings with the girls. And of course, lots of Activity nights during the week. I loved taking the girls to the temple for baptisms. It was fun to watch the girls' testimonies grow and see how they matured. The girls that I worked with were just awesome. They are so strong and so amazing. I can't wait to see what they do with their lives after high school. I know they are going to be doing great things. They are great leaders and they are being examples for good. They share the gospel and aren't afraid to speak up when people question their beliefs.

I have had great ladies to work with in my presidency. I couldn't ask for a better group of women to work with--always dedicated, creative, responsible, fun, organized,willing to go the extra mile and so strong. Any one of these ladies could have been president. I loved the "team" that we had and am so grateful that they helped make the ride so fun. I couldn't have done it without them.
I remember when I was set apart that the Bishop blessed me that I would have the energy I needed to do my calling and I wouldn't tire. I can honestly say that blessing was true. There were many times when I just didn't know how I stayed awake driving these girls home or had the energy to do some of the activities. I was like the energizer bunny. I suppose I will just be tired all the time now that I'm done.
This is me at our Night of Excellence program, "On with the Shoe!" I am getting my picture taken after receiving my floppy award. It was quite a memorable evening. I also received my YW medallion that night. The leaders and I have been working on personal progress for quite some time. My counselors and I received our awards in front of the girls that evening, showing them that you are never done with personal progress. You are always making goals and progressing.


  1. It sounds like you have had a great time serving!!!! It won't stop here, I'm sure! Your new ward is going to love having your talents and skills.

  2. You've always had the energizer bunny my dear! Did you cry? Did any of the girls cry? ,,,, what are you going to do now on Wednesday nights??? You've never not had a major calling either,,, sheesh,, it's time for Relief Society again. Weird...

  3. I hope I feel like that when I am released. Although I do really enjoy being with the girls it is a lot of work. Your Night of Excellence looks great. I am sure the new president has big shoes to fill.

  4. You are awesome! The new president does have big shoes to fill! Seriously, I do admire you and have learned a lot from you.

  5. What will you do with all your free time? I am sure your girls will miss you. I loved the backdrop and all the shoes. If I am ever put back in YW I will know who to call.

  6. I bet the girls LOVED you! I personally would have loved to have you as one of my leaders. I am sure you learned a lot from your calling. The Lord knows exactly what we need in our lives. I can't wait to find out what your new calling will be once you settle in your new ward. Congrats!

  7. Sheila, I am always impressed with the way you have handled whaever hhas been asked of you. I would like to be like you when I grow up. I love you and am proud that you are my daughter.
