Monday, October 13, 2008

A Fall Festival

Our ward had its' annual fall festival last Friday evening. My kids look forward to this event because it's just FUN! There are games and prizes, hot dogs, treats and donuts, and even a hayride. Life is good when you're a child and just look forward to having fun. It was the perfect fall evening. Easton and Landon trying to catch the right fish to get a prize.
Dallin and his friend Blake are in charge of the "shooting gallery." The kids used rubber band guns to hit targets and win a prize.
Mmmmmmmm....the winner of the cake walk gets a donut!
An awesome hayride around the church parking lot. It just doesn't get much better than that!


  1. I love the donut picture! Too funny. Seriously, every picture of Dallin lately is like a new person.. Could be the shorter hair plus he's just changing... I used to love carnivals when I was a little bit younger. Well, I still do I suppose.

  2. My boys always love fall festival. Looks like lots of fun

  3. I love going to these kind of things. I can't wait for Tuscanee to get bigger so she can appreciate it more.
