Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Awesome race

Dallin had yet another Cross Country race this past Saturday morning, posting his best time ever! 18:18 is now his new personal record(PR). It was a beautiful fall morning with a crispness in the air. I'm sure the cool, non-humid air helped the runners achieve better times. The race was at River Green, a place I love because it's flat, open and you are able to see the racers at a lot of different places throughout the race. We enjoy watching Dallin run and see him grow in this sport.

Dallin walks through the finish area, his finishing race number in his hand.
Stephen's Dad was able to come and watch Dallin this time.
Dallin, you are one awesome dude! Keep working hard and we will see you at the next race.


  1. awesome, awesome, awesome. I can't believe that's averaging under 6 minute miles.... (is that right? now i'm going to sound ill informed) (wait, is that how you spell ill informed, or is it il-informed?) I'm lame!

  2. Excellent time! Starting and finishing is a great accomplishment, also.

  3. Way to go Dallin! I think I would be happy to run 1 mile in 18:18.

  4. Dallin you are becoming a REAL runner. It must be that not drinking any soda has really helped. You are awsome and I like you lots!!!

  5. I just want say how cute your background is and your title picture.

  6. Great job, Dallin. You know I think it's cool--keep working hard.
