Monday, November 3, 2008

Carved Creations

Three pumpkins were purchased this year for carving. I always have good intentions, but in the end can never seem to find the time to get them carved. Easton bugged me until we finally got it done Halloween night before heading out for trick-or-treating. With no older kids to help me I was the designated "carver". Easton designed his face on paper and was really good about cleaning out the guts in his pumpkin. His pumpkin is shown on the left. He helped for awhile getting Landon's pumpkin done, but in the end it was me left in the kitchen doing the deed. mmmm......Well, here is the end result of my hours of carving by myself. The third pumpkin is now an official Thanksgiving table decoration as it will go uncarved.


  1. We never carved ours this time. Tanner thinks we should "just save them for next year" smelly would that be? Your pumpkins turned out great!

  2. Way to go Sheila. I don't have very many memories of carving pumpkins with the family, because they were all gone. So keep doing things for Easton so he'll have a normal growing up experience.

    Cute new shoes,,,, what are they?

  3. We did ours on Halloween too. Madeleine said we don't need to carve pumpkins this year. Of course the rest of the kids protested. I could have gone without carving too. I guess we just have to keep doing things for the younger kids.

  4. Great pumpkins. It seems like everyone was a little busy this year.

  5. I'm grateful for my faux pumpkins. You all did a superb job.
