Monday, November 10, 2008

We are thankful for....

November 10

Webcams, emails, blogs.....we are thankful for the internet. Such a fabulous invention has really changed our lives. It connects us with family all over the nation. We love reading everybody's blogs and getting emails from family. We love our new webcam where we can talk to Ashton and see her on the computer at the same time. If you get a webcam we can do that with you too! It's just cool. The internet is a great learning tool in our home. We are always checking the internet to find out something. It's great for Christmas shopping too. We are updated on news events. Dallin just got some names ready for doing baptisms at the temple on the new church website. I'm shopping for houses in Birmingham on the internet. The use of the internet is almost endless and we appreciate how it has changed our lives.


  1. amen sister. is the greatest invention ever. How did we used to write talks??? I'll tell ya, you looked at all 40 years of Ensigns and the Friend that mom and dad saved in the upstairs game closet. Seriously. I type in gratitude and 800 million things are pulled up from archives of magazines, gc talks, lessons. It's unbelievable how much information we have at out fingertips. I would die without google. What did I used to do when I had a question? Oh yeah, called Keith or Craig, the walking encyclopedias. Hey for you kids, the first time I used the internet was when I was a senior and my first emailing ever was freshman year in college. This thing wasn't always around ya know. We used to have to go to the library and checkout 10 books to write a paper in High School. I LOVE THE WEB!

  2. I also love the internet. Think about how lives have changed because of the web. I have a webcam on my laptop but I have never used it. I might have to try it out one of these days.

  3. I love the internet, because it keeps us in touch with famiy when we live far away.

  4. I could never go back to an internetless life.
