Sunday, November 16, 2008

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by my friend, Jill. The instructions were to go to your fourth file of pictures and load the fourth photo. I was surprised to come up with July 4th, 2008 when we were at Grandma and Grandpa's in Utah. I've been taking digital since last November but my computer crashed and had to be cleaned. I have not downloaded old photos from last year year. So you get July. This photo is of four cousins on my side of the family. Dallin and Landon and their cute girl cousins, Madeleine and Tessa. We don't see these cousins as often as we would like but when we do get together it's a fun, giggly time. The cousins are watching the North Salt Lake fireworks at the Eagle Wood golf course after having a fabulous dinner at Grandma's with all the family. This was a fun trip down memory lane. I tag all family and friends out there! What's the fourth picture in your fourth file? Huh?


  1. Now that's too weird,, I think you cheated. WHat are the odds it would be the 4th of July and 4 cousins.... enter twilight zone music,

    I miss family.

  2. Cute picture. It's fun that your 4th album and 4th pictures turned out to be a holiday!

  3. Now that is kinda cool how that turned out-4,4,4. Cute picture too. I second the request for everyone to come out for the 4th in 2009.

  4. I'm glad you did it since I don't know who to tag on these things, but that was a very cool tag for you with all the "4" cute and super coincidental. Love it!
