Monday, November 3, 2008

We are thankful for....

We've decided to do a gratitude countdown until Thanksgiving. We are going to post one thing we are grateful for each day on our blog until we are eating our Thanksgiving turkey. We are getting started a little late so you get to read about three things that we are grateful for during this post.

November 1--We are thankful for our family. We love each member in our family and are grateful that we can be a forever family. Each child has their own personality that they bring to the dynamic of our family unit. We feel a loss when one of our family members is not with us. We don't like empty chairs at our dinner table. November 2- We are grateful for a job. With the tough economy and financial problems in the world, we are especially thankful that Stephen has a job that provides us with our physical needs. We have been blessed.

November 3- We show gratitude for food. We really are thankful that we have food to eat. We have sufficient for our needs and never struggle with knowing where our next meal will come from. Our hearts go out to the hungry people in the world who suffer. As a mother I cannot even imagine not being able to feed my children.


  1. I love this post. I may have to copy this idea. I can't wait to read what you are grateful for.

  2. This is a great idea, we need to do something similiar. There are so many things in like we take for granted. Can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring.

  3. Great idea, it makes us remember the little things to be greatful for.

  4. Cute your thankful posts. It's a good reminder to be more grateful. (For me today it would be I'm grateful that only one of my three kids strep throat cultures came back positive!)

  5. I thought your pantry looked a little bare. Your children must have eaten a lot that day....
